Meet The Team — Katja Bouman (Systems Designer)

Katja Bouman
Published in
4 min readDec 3, 2018

As an honours graduate in Mathematics and Computer Science, Katja first joined Tykn in the capacity of an intern, focusing on how the combination of Blockchain and Zero-Knowledge proofs could improve data protection in humanitarian action. Her tremendous insights helped in shaping Tykn’s Ana solution in time for the first dry-run on the island of St. Maarten.

Let me introduce myself: my name is Katja Bouman, I am 22 years old, born and raised in Amsterdam.

During high school — a Rudolf Steiner school with more than 7 hours of art classes a week — I got the freedom to develop my creativity, which is still one of my most valuable personal assets.

After my diploma and a year abroad in London, I started studying at the Amsterdam University College, where I have recently graduated and received an honours bachelor of science with a major in mathematics and computer science. During my studies, I enjoyed the student life of Amsterdam and found myself actively rowing on the river Amstel.

Next to that, I also taught Dutch to young refugees at the student-founded organisation Right2Education. This work made me realize that the privileges, freedom and safety that I am able to enjoy are not guaranteed to everyone, which gave me the strong desire to fight for those who lack even the most basic needs. This encouraged me to me apply as an intern at Tykn. From January till July 2018 I was an intern at Tykn and combined this with my thesis, which focused on how the combination of Blockchain technology and Zero-Knowledge Proofs can improve data protection in Humanitarian action.

My thesis and my work at Tykn have inspired me on how I can use my technical knowledge to improve the lives of less fortunate people. Something I would like to continue doing for as long as I can, creating as much positive impact as possible.

Also, one of my future ambitions is to enthuse and educate girls and women about programming and Blockchain, consequently empowering them with knowledge and confidence to improve their situation and position in society!

7 Questions to Katja

What is the biggest myth or misconception about your work/field?
- “That Blockchain implies cryptocurrencies.”

A new habit you introduced in your life or learning experience that greatly influenced your present self?
- “I have started with learning a new language (Spanish). It shakes you out of your daily pattern and gives you a lot of energy to do more pro-active things.”

If you had the chance to write something on all the boards in all the classrooms in the world, what would it be?
- “Be the reason someone smiles today, and you will smile as well.”

In many many years, looking back to you life, what would make you feel you accomplished your mission?
- “If I have not let myself stop because of fear, if I have learned from my mistakes, if I have made the people I love happy and proud, and if I have made a difference in the world even if has only been a tiny push towards a more kind and balanced one.”

One (or more) book(s) that greatly influenced you and why?
- “‘Sapiens’ by Noah Harari and ‘Room’ by Emma Donoghue. Both makes you question your perception of reality and encourages thinking about relativity and worth.”

In your field, or in life, what is the question that people should be asking more and they aren’t?
- “Can I help you?’ and ‘Can you help me?”

Pineapple on pizza. Yes or no?
- “No to pizza as a whole.”

Photo: Jacek Dylag

Vulnerable populations such as refugees suffer first hand the problems of siloed, paper-based identity infrastructures. Their identities are in constant risk of loss, theft or fraud. The refugees of the future could be the citizens of Paris or Amsterdam, as climate change and natural disasters do not discriminate. The dawn of the digital age urges all institutions to adapt.

At Tykn we are working to help public and private institutions help people better through the implementation of Digital Identity infrastructures. Creating access to human rights through digital identities. Bringing justice to the world. Because people matter.

Join us in the change we are making on Twitter, LinkedIn and Telegram!

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