React.js Tutorial 1.5: Utilizing Webpack and Babel to build a React.js App

Tyler McGinnis
Tyler McGinnis
Published in
12 min readFeb 20, 2016

This is an excerpt from React.js Program. If you like this material, check out the program itself and specifically the React.js Fundamentals course since it’s completely free and contains 12 videos, text, and actual curriculum to work through. It’s a more linear approach to learn React.js and the React.js ecosystem.

Let me preface this section by saying that Webpack is hard. Partially because it’s an extremely powerful tool and partially because the documentation is terrible. If you have experience with other tools like Gulp or Grunt it’s a bit easier, but if you don’t, just hold on and it will get easier. We’re going to hyperfocus on the real meat of Webpack for this course and jump into more advanced features in other courses.

The first questions you should ask yourself whenever you’re using a new tool are “Why does this thing exist?” and “What problem is this thing solving?”. If you can’t eventually answer those two questions, you probably don’t need it. So let’s answer those questions in terms of Webpack.

Why does webpack exist? Webpack, at its core, is a code bundler. It takes your code, transforms and bundles it, then return a brand new version of your code.

What problem is this thing solving? Think about how many times we have to take our code and change it so it’s compliant with what the browser is used to (vanilla HTML, CSS, and JavaScript). If you’ve ever used a CSS Preprocessor like SASS or LESS you know you need to transform your SASS/LESS code into normal CSS. If you’ve ever used CoffeeScript or any compile to JavaScript language you know there’s also a conversion step there. So where Webpack really shines is you’re able to tell it every transformation your code needs to make, and it will do them and output a bundle file for you full of those changes (and some other helpful things as well like minification if you desire).

In this specific course we’re going to keep our Webpack configurations pretty light, but in future courses we’ll jump into some more advanced topics.

If you think about the process we talked about above, that idea of taking your code and transforming it in someway then spitting it out — there are really three main steps and three main things Webpack need to know.

1) Webpack needs to know the starting point of your application, or your root JavaScript file.

2) Webpack needs to know which transformations to make on your code.

3) Webpack needs to know to which location it should save the new transformed code.

The code for this might look a little scary at first, but know that all we’re doing is coding out those three steps above so Webpack can understand them.

The first thing we need to do is create a file which is going to contain our Webpack configurations. Conveniently, this file should be named webpack.config.js and be located in the root directory of our project.

Now that we have our file made we need to make sure that this file exports an object which is going to represent our configurations for Webpack. If you’re not familiar with JavaScript modules, I highly recommend this blog series by Preethi.

// In webpack.config.js
module.exports = {}

Now let’s go ahead and walk down our list of those three items and convert them into code. First up, telling webpack where the entry point of our application is located. This one is pretty straight forward and looks like this,

// In webpack.config.js
module.exports = {
entry: [

All we do is give our object a property of entry and a value which is an array with a string which points to our root JavaScript file in our app. You might be asking why it’s an array instead of just a string. Webpack allows you to have one or many entry points in your application. If you just have one, you can just use a string. If you have more, you can use an array. I always default to an array so I can easily add more later if needed.

Now that we’ve told Webpack where to start, we need to tell it which transformations to actually make. This is where loaders will come in handy.

Let’s say that for some reason we’re still writing CoffeeScript in 2016 (ZING!). We would need a way to transform our CoffeeScript into regular JS. Sounds like the perfect place for a CoffeeScript loader. First step, we need to install the loader we want. We’ll use npm to do this. In your terminal you would run npm install — save-dev coffee-loader which would then save coffee-loader as a dev dependency in your package.json file. Next, we need to configure our webpack.config.js file to be aware of this specific transform. To do that we’ll first need to add a module property to the object we’re exporting in webpack.config.js and then that module property will have a property of loaders which is an array.

// In webpack.config.js
module.exports = {
entry: [
module: {
loaders: []

Inside of that loaders array is where we’re (obviously) going to put all of our different loaders or transformations we want to take place.

Each loader needs to be composed of three things. The first is which file type to run the specific transformation on. For example, we don’t want to run CSS transformations on a JavaScript file and vice versa. The next item is which directories should be included or excluded from being transformed. An example here is we don’t want to run our transformations on anything in our node_modules folder, so we’d have the node_modules path as an excluded value. The last thing is the specific loader we want to run. Let’s take a look at what this looks like.

// In webpack.config.js
module.exports = {
entry: [
module: {
loaders: [
{test: /\.coffee$/, include: __dirname + '/app', loader: "coffee-loader"}

The first thing you’ll probably notice is the test:/\.js$/ section. It looks scary if you’re not used to regular expressions but all it’s doing is it tells Webpack to run the coffee-loader on all extensions that end in .coffee.

Next, include tells Webpack which directories to include in our transformations. Instead of excluding node_modules, I chose to think positively and include the directory we’d like transformed. Last step is an obvious one. loader tells Webpack which transformation to run on all paths that match the test RegEx and are in the include directory.

As you can see, the steps from including more loaders is pretty basic. NPM install the specific loader then add a new object to the loaders array.

Now that we’ve done steps 1 and 2, we just have one more step. This last step is specifying where Webpack should output the new transformed code.

// In webpack.config.js
module.exports = {
entry: [
module: {
loaders: [
{test: /\.coffee$/, include: __dirname + '/app', loader: "coffee-loader"}
output: {
filename: "index_bundle.js",
path: __dirname + '/dist'

Again the code here is pretty self explanatory. filename is the name of the file that Webpack is going to create which contains our new transformed code. path is the specific directory where the new filename (index_bundle.js) is going to be placed. If you’ve never seen __dirname before that’s just referencing the name of the directory that the currently executing script resides in.

So now when Webpack runs, our code will be transformed and then can be referenced at ourApp/dist/index_bundle.js. Well that’s great, but now we need to come up with a plan to get our HTML to reference this specific file. There are a few options, but most are crappy. If we look at how normal apps are usually structured it’s usually something like this.

- components
- containers
- config
- utils

So as you can see, our code we’re developing with is found in the app folder and our transformed code is in the dist folder. Now you can visually see the issue. We want to change the index.html located in the app folder but the index.html file that the browser is actually going to be using is located in the dist folder (because that’s where we’ve also told webpack to spit out the transformed JS file).

The first option to solve this is to just manage two index.html files and whenever you change the one located in /app, copy/paste that to the one located in /dist. Though this will work, I won’t be able to look my Wife in the eyes again if we do this.

Second option, we could figure out a way so that whenever webpack runs, our /app/index.html gets copied over to /dist/index.html. This sounds a lot better and the final solution will look close to this.

As you can probably guess, there’s already a Webpack tool that allows us to do something similar. Instead of actually copying our index.html file, it’s just going to use that file as a template and create a brand new index.html file. This plugin is the html-webpack-plugin. As always, you’ll need to run npm install — save-dev html-webpack-plugin before you can use it. Now we just need to tell webpack what we want to do with it.

If you’re reading this you obviously want to learn React. Check out React.js Program. I built it as a successor to this blog series.

First thing, we’ll need to create a new instance of HTMLWebpackPlugin and we’ll need to specify three things. First, we can give it a template of what we want the newly created file to look like. Second, we give it a filename or, well, what the new file it creates is going to be called. Third, WebpackPluginConfig is going to be smart enough to detect the filename of the output of the transformed code (in this case we’re calling index_bundle.js) and it then going to inject a script into the <head> or <body> of the newly created index.html file. So the third option is inject and is where you would like to inject that script — the ‘head’ or the ‘body’.

Let’s see what all the code looks like.

// In webpack.config.js
var HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin')
var HTMLWebpackPluginConfig = new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
template: __dirname + '/app/index.html',
filename: 'index.html',
inject: 'body'
module.exports = {
entry: [
module: {
loaders: [
{test: /\.coffee$/, include: __dirname + '/app', loader: "coffee-loader"}
output: {
filename: "index_bundle.js",
path: __dirname + '/dist'
plugins: [HTMLWebpackPluginConfig]

You’ll notice we’ve added a few more steps. At the top of the file we create a new instance of HtmlWebpackPlugin and we give it three options. template points to our regular index.html file located in our app directory. filename just says we want to keep the name index.html. inject says to inject a script which references the name of the output file (index_bundle.js) of our loaders and put it in the body of this newly created HTML file. Lastly we add the HTMLWebpackPluginConfig variable we created as an item in the array of plugins in our webpack config.

Now when we run webpack from our command line, inside of our dist folder we’ll have two files. index_bundle.js and index.html. index_bundle.js is the result of taking our entry code and running it through our loaders. While index.html was created on the fly with HTMLWebpackPluginConfig.

Let’s take a look at what our index.html file inside of our app folder looks like then what our newly created index.html file inside of dist looks like.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>My App</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">
<div id="app"></div>


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>My App</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">
<div id="app"></div>
<script src="index_bundle.js"></script>

You’ll notice that the only difference between the two files is that the one in dist (which was created with HTMLWebpackPlugin) now has a script tag pointing to index_bundle.js . Again, the only real magic going on here is that HTMLWebpackConfig is smart enough to detect the output filename of your newly created file from Webpack and it will automatically add that as a script in your newly create index.html file. So in our example we used index_bundle.js as the output filename so as you can see in the created index.html file above, we have now have <script src=”index_bundle.js”></script> inside the body. If we were to change the output of our webpack config to be OUR-AWESOME-JS-FILE.js, then inside the body of our newly create index.html file we would have <script src=”OUR-AWESOME-JS-FILE.js”></script>

Now the only other crucial piece of information is how to actually tell webpack to run.

If you’ve installed webpack globally (by running npm install -g webpack) then you have access to the webpack CLI. (If you haven’t, the same rules below apply but you’ll just have to just npm scripts to run them).

In the root directory of your app (or wherever webpack.config.js is located), you can run webpack from your terminal and that will do a one time run through of your webpack settings. However, this can be kind of a pain to keep having to run the command over and over whenever you change anything. To fix this, run webpack -w and that will watch your files and re-execute webpack whenever any of the files Webpack is concerned about changes. Lastly, if you’re wanting to ship to production, you can run webpack -p and that will run through the normal transformations as well as minify your code.

So now you’re probably thinking, “Hey Tyler. That’s cool and all, but I came here for React and I still haven’t seen any of it.” First off, calm down. Second, that’s fair. The good news is you already have all the Webpack knowledge you need to get going with React. Now we just need to look at a tool called babel and add it as a loader.

Babel.js is a wonderful tool for compiling your JavaScript. With Webpack you tell it which transformations to make on your code, while Babel is the specific transformation itself. In terms of React, Babel is going to allow us to transform our JSX (which you’ll see soon) into actual JavaScript. What’s nice about Babel though is it can be used for much more than just JSX -> JS transformations. You can also opt into “future” versions of JavaScript (ES2015, 2016, etc) and use Babel to transform your future JavaScript to modern day JavaScript so the browser can understand it. Let’s jump into what this looks like.

As always we’ll need to NPM install some things. Babel is very modular, so we’ll need to install a few things initially. If you’re following along you can run npm install — save-dev babel-core babel-loader babel-preset-react. babel-core is babel itself, babel-loader is the webpack loader we’ll use, and babel-preset-react is to get the JSX -> JS transformation going.

You might have the temptation to add a new loader to webpack for each type of Babel transformation we want to make but that’s not the case. Instead, you just give Webpack the single babel-loader we installed then that loader will look to a .babelrc file that we’ll make for each of the babel transformations you want to make.

First, in the same directory where the webpack.config.js file is (usually the root directory), we’ll need to make a .babelrc file which looks like this

"presets": [

Again all this file does is it instructs our babel-loader which babel transformations to actually make. For now, all we care about is the react transform. This works because we npm installed babel-preset-react earlier.

Now all we need to do is add the babel-loader as a loader to our webpack.config.js file.

// In webpack.config.js
var HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin')
var HTMLWebpackPluginConfig = new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
template: __dirname + '/app/index.html',
filename: 'index.html',
inject: 'body'
module.exports = {
entry: [
output: {
path: __dirname + '/dist',
filename: "index_bundle.js"
module: {
loaders: [
{test: /\.js$/, include: __dirname + '/app', loader: "babel-loader"}
plugins: [HTMLWebpackPluginConfig]

You’ll notice everything here is the same but instead of our ugly coffee-script loader, we’re not using our babel-loader.

That’s it! I realize that’s a lot of steps but you’ve probably realized that the code for these steps isn’t actually difficult, it’s just piecing everything together that is.

React.js Program

If you enjoyed this post, check out React.js Program. It’s a program I built to help ease the pain of getting familiar with the React ecosystem (including Redux, Immutable, React Native, Universal React, etc)

