Reflection: Week of 3/21

Tyler Davis
Published in
2 min readMar 21, 2019

This week, we continued working with our teams for Project 4. From all of our individual samples, we chose one storyboard with the most promising problem/solution. The problem we addressed was the lack of funding and support for teachers to host special events for their classrooms. To solve this, we conceptualized an application that would create a funding pool and supply request list for parents to contribute to.

For our interim presentation, we were asked to put together a poster with a context statement, a problem statement, a solution statement, a storyboard, and further details or visuals of our solution. I was responsible for refining the storyboard script and statements. The following is our most promising design (currently), as well as additional mockups we wanted feedback on.

Last week, we read a paper from the GCC about how to “Establish Novelty with Four Rhetorical Moves.” During our presentation, one other team was tasked with identifying these four “moves” to see if they were included and properly communicated. Luckily, the team was able to identify them effectively, which will serve us well when we present to stakeholders next week.

Going forward, we will continue to iterate and incorporate feedback from Thursday’s session about design and oral communication.

