Chloe Morris
Published in
7 min readApr 26, 2022


Brand Identity for Bark-e-que

An exciting day of fun for the families out there looking for their furry friends.

Why was Bark-e-que developed?

Bark-e-que was created to make a fun, exciting, and informative day for family and friends looking to make a difference in dogs' lives. This event allows adopters and dog lovers to spend time with some lovable furry friends and understand what Street Tail Animal Rescue stands for.


7.6 million companion animals enter animal shelters nationwide every year. Of those, approximately 3.9 million are dogs.

It wasn't hard to decide on animal shelters and rescues as my focus for this event branding project. Along the way, I realized that many rescues don’t do enough programming events to get these cutie pooches adopted. Many of them don’t know how to reach a bigger audience for their rescues. Street Tails stood out to me because it was a one-woman effort to literally save one dog at a time. Initially operating out of her pet store, The Chic Petique, founder Lindsay Condefer spent years pulling and adopting out one dog at a time.

Street Tails Animal Rescue (STAR) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to helping the homeless, unwanted, and abandoned dogs in the Philadelphia area. Their goal is to pull local animals out of shelters and find them loving, forever homes.

Street Tails Animal Rescue Website

“To us, rescue is about saving a life, and each animal’s life, no matter the cost, is worth saving.”

Problem within Street Tails

When focusing on the events Street Tails have brought to life, many are focused on the people in their local communities rather than their dogs and the individual dogs. We want to support the shelter and its endeavors to support these pups who are getting adopted.

What is Bark-e-que?

Bark-e-que is a Philadelphia-based fundraising event for Street Tails Animal Rescue. If you love barbecue food and athletic events you will love this get-together in Fairmount Park to get the summer started. This event will help bring in families who are looking for their lost furry loved one they have always wanted. We will also be selling items and having active raffles all day to keep the fundraising going.


Bark-e-que is for the families looking to celebrate and support their furry loved ones looking for a forever home.

For Street Tails, we want to broaden the audience the rescue has to more families and individuals who are settled enough to adopt.

We want to develop Street Tail’s Community connection


Bark-e-que is located in the wide-open spaces of Fairmount park right on the edge of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Fairmount Park

Fairmount Park is the perfect place for this family fun day event because of its close proximity to the city as well as its proximity to the suburbs of Pennsylvania. This park also really connects with the identity of Bark-e-que with its wide-open spaces and family day feeling of being in a beautiful park on a nice summer day.

Target Audience

The target audience of Bark-e-que is the families and individuals that want to support a nonprofit, privately funded temporary home for dogs, cats, and other animals that are offered for adoption. Animals that are deemed unsuitable for adoption by the wrong people.

User Personas

Brand Development

When creating the idea for Bark-e-que I first focused on my initial interests in public good organizations. Those included animals and women empowerment. When determining that the idea of supporting animals spoke to me more, I began the journey of finding what organization I would like to help as well as what they needed as an organization to assist in their prosperity.

Concept Development Map

Name Development

Developing the name and the logo was the most challenging aspect of the project. Before I had the identity I needed to put a name to the event. This took time and lots of work combinations to affiliate the idea of the event with some kind of title. Bark-e-que was the final with a feel of family fun in an outdoor exciting setting. Now I just had to match the name to a logo that fit with the events within the event and the overall idea.

Name Development Map

Logo Development

Creating the logo to really draw people’s attention was an exciting and playful experience. I went through many dog heads and typographic treatments to come up with the overall dog-head focal point with a touch of playful picnic thrown in there to allow families to connect with the family-friendly event logo.

Logo Sketches

Style Tile

The brand style tile includes the logo, responsive logos, mission, colors of the brand, typefaces, patterns, graphic elements, and imagery treatments throughout the brand.

Look & Feel

When making the visuals of Bark-e-que I wanted to focus on the idea of a family fun day for not just adults but for kids too.

Playful, Fun, and Colorful are just so words I would use to describe this exhilarating event.


Bark-e-que website walkthrough

The website for Bark-e-que was very exciting to design. I knew right away that the brand needed to be colorful and child friendly. While the adults would most likely be the ones to navigate this website, it was important that the identity appears in one of the first visuals you would see before even being welcomed into the event. The website is youthful, and overall a fun place to navigate everything that Bark-e-que will provide.

When deciding on the deliverables needed for Bark-e-que I had to consider the target audience for the event. Dogs were obviously the main factor, but the family-friendly idea lead to this colorful and game-driven set of deliverables.

Game Frisbees
Foam Paws

Of course, you wouldn't have a fun-filled family play day if you didn't have the necessities to cheer on your friends. This is where the ideas for the foam paws originated.

Water Bottles
Bark-e-que Doggie Bandanas

To commemorate the occasion some wearable deliverables were the perfect touch to this event. The branded bandanas and spirited shirts gave participants, as well as volunteers a way to show their support.

Volunteer and Participant T-shirts

Environmental Elements

While the above deliverables added to the fun and excitement of this event, it is a dog-focused occasion that can lead to some realistic accidents along the way. These dog waste stations were a great solution.

Doggie Poop Station is located at the event site in Fairmont Park

Social Media Presence

A social media presence was one of the main deliverables to address, as one of my goals was to make a wider audience for Street Tails. This social presence had to be enticing to appeal to all the families seeking out information about the event. These sweet dogs that are up for adoption, as well as interactive factors, led to a social presence that will pull the viewer in.

Instagram Feed
Example of Instagram Story treatment
Instagram Post Grid


Bark-e-que is for the dogs that can use a little extra love in their life, as well as the families looking for the same thing. Overall, Bark-e-que allows for friends and families to come together in order to celebrate all the amazing dogs out there by adopting and supporting the ones that need it most. This brand identity really allows Street Tails to shine through and reach a wider audience, helping them to meet their mission goals.


Designer: Chloe Morris
Instructor: Kelly Holohan
Institution: Tyler School of Art & Architecture: Graphic & Interactive Design
Research: Street Tails Animal Rescue

