Published in
3 min readDec 20, 2021

Alternative Protein Smoothie Bar

Insects as food?

The environment is a big deal to us here at Entomo. We have a mission to preserve the earth by serving up an assortment of delicious healthy items made with alternate proteins found from insects. Why insects? Not only do they have extreme health benefits when used as a food source, they also use a fraction of the resources consumed by traditional protein sources. Compared to the average modern everyday production of cattle, chicken, or other popular meats, insects have a much smaller impact on our water and land. As a result, carbon emissions are significantly lower and the planet is happier. We also feel it is our chance to educate awareness of these crucial benefits for the change of tomorrow.

What is Entomo?

Entomo is an environmentally-conscious smoothie and pastries bar. We use alternative proteins from various types of insects to enrich their products to give the maximum health benefits. When dining at Entomo, customers get a calm environment with a pleasant sense of relaxation that’s a great place to get work done or just simply eat in peace.

Logo Progression

The logo was the most difficult part of designing Entomo’s branding. We wanted a logo that looked and felt calming and inviting to counter the feeling that might come along with the idea of consuming insects. Another challenge was combining the idea of smoothies and insects into a single logo. The final logo uses bendy straw motifs in place of insect body to form the combination of these two obstacles.

Asset Design

Knowing Entomo had to have inviting and calming attributes we added a color scheme that felt this way while, still feeling fresh and new to its costumers. I also wanted to incorporate some funkiness to the branding due to the fact we are using insect protein as the main idea for the brands principle. The use of organic flowing shapes and hand made bold heading type is the main factor adding to the funkiness of the branding.

Menu boards
Table menu
Employee t-shirts
Take-out drinks
Take-out bag
Instagram campaign

