The Night Bite Cafe

Tristan Mancini
Published in
4 min readNov 30, 2022

The Night Bite Cafe is Philadelphia’s only Werewolves VS Vampires experience, while also a laid-back and fun eatery. Upon entering, pick between either team werewolves or team vampires, and choose menu items from the selections exclusively for your team. If you have a mixed party, take the competition to your table. Each day the score is tallied, and you could bring your team out on top! The cafe’s hours are from late afternoon until early morning, making it a prime spot for moonlight dwellers.

Bringing a delicious experience to the creatures of the night.

For Night Bite’s design, it was crucial to show the two sides and also create harmony across the deliverables. As per the nature of the creatures and their dwellings, the color palette needed to be on the darker side, utilizing dark maroons and reds, black, off-whites, dark teals, and golds.


The logo itself went through quite a journey, starting with a more literal, vector-based design, that evolved into hand-drawn, textured, and less on the nose, while still being reflective of the concept of two sides battling each other.

logo drafts
logo drafts
nearing the final logo design
Final logo design


The menu took on a more hand-drawn, chalkboard approach. It is intended to be on the wall behind the cafe counter on a large scale for easy legibility. The doodled drawings among the menu’s offerings allow for a more casual, laid-back, and fun feeling to be had about the environment. I wanted to emphasize that this space was about a fun and friendly experience in addition to good food.


Much like the rest of the brand, playing up the two sides was crucial to the packaging. Having two separate kinds as well as ones that combined the two sides for combination orders, was an essential part of making this brand successful.

Take-out bags


For advertisements, I wanted to really play up the fun aspect of the brand. Leaning into online advertising and choosing a team, I focused on polls, and “this or that” style ads. I used a combination of illustration and photography to create playful and exciting ads that bring a sense of competition and fun to the experience.

Night Bite Instagram grid


The environment and format of the cafe were very specific: a counter you could order and pay at, but servers who deliver the food to your table. I wanted a casual cafe atmosphere, with exposed brick walls and a striking and bold mural that represented both sides of the competition within the space.

Mockup of the environment


The website was a chance to show a fun way that the two sides would interact in a digital format.


I had a very specific idea of what I wanted for my collateral from the beginning. The hats were the main focus, intended to be sported by staff members and patrons. The patches were embroidered, stitched onto beanie hats, and photographed. I had a focus on apparel as if it were almost a sports competition and you are representing your favorite team. Team Vampire, or Team Werewolf?


Night Bite Cafe designed by Tristan Mancini
Instructed by Professor Jenny Kowalski
Various images sourced from Adobe Stock

