ChatGPT-4 and The Advancements Within Technology and Information

Tyler’s Writing Space
3 min readMar 19, 2023

Knowledge and information have made a dramatic shift from textbooks to the internet. This became very prevalent when our world was hit with the covid epidemic. Academic classes were being held online, with both teachers and students trying to adapt and learn how to complete schooling without being in person. Software’s such as zoom, and blackboard collaborate were used to hold classes online and exams were taken online as well. Once again, I have found myself trapped between knowledge and technology with OpenAI’s new and improved ChatGPT-4. ChatGPT has become a worldwide wonder as it has blossomed into the world most powerful ai operating system that is available to the public. But how powerful is ChaptGPT anyways and why is it important to talk about these new technological advancements?

ChatGPT was an incredible operating system that was able to respond to questions both simple and complicated with thoughtful responses. OpenAI’s operating system took a rise around the world, and it was only a matter of time before they came out with a new advanced version which they call ChatGPT-4. Released on March 14, 2023, ChatGPT-4 has stunned researchers and tech savvy enthusiasts with how advanced this artificial intelligence software has become. ChatGPT-4 have been given incredible capabilities of interpreting both text and images in a way that has not been seen before. It seems that a brand-new revolution has arrived in which machine intelligence has started to take over. Even with this most impressive system, artificial intelligence has still not come close to reaching its full capabilities which is the scary part. ChatGPT-4 has been given exams such as the Uniform Bar Exam and LSAT in which the ai was able to ace them both and many other highly respected exams around the United States. This is mind-blowing knowing a machine is able to ace these extremely hard exams that a majority of humans struggle with. But, with these new intelligence improvements, one of the more fascinating advancements OpenAI added was the ability for ChatGPT-4 to study and interpret images. This brand-new advancement is just one of many added by OpenAI. OpenAI states “GPT-4 is more creative and collaborative than ever before. It can generate, edit, and iterate with users on creative and technical writing tasks, such as composing songs, writing screenplays, or learning a user’s writing style” (OpenAI). The ability for a machine to be able to think creatively is a very hard concept to grasp. One of the things that humans have been able to distinguish between human and machine was the ability to think creatively. But GPT-4 is breaking right through that stigma with its ability to both give more factual responses as well as help with creative writing.

Artificial intelligence learns from humans, so with the advancing learning capabilities of machines comes the ability for machines to learn about false information and lying. It is speculation to say that these AI software’s are able to learn that humans lie in which the AI will learn to lie itself. Although we are still in the early stages of artificial intelligence capabilities, the rise in the connection between knowledge and machine learning has begun and will not be slowing down. The future is unknown for what AI will be capable of, but the whole point of AI is for machines to think like humans. Therefore, I am able to see a future in which talking between a machine and human online will become undistinguishable.



Tyler’s Writing Space

Welcome to my medium blog. I enjoy writing writing about numerous topics including technology and mental health.