Introducing Our New* Lisbon Office!

Elisa Reggiardo
Published in
4 min readMar 23, 2020

*We’re not there right now, though. This post was written before we started our temporary WFH policy.

Have you been to Chiado? It’s a beautiful area of Lisbon filled with historic buildings and plenty of shopping! Oh — and it’s home to our new Lisbon office.

A GIF of many people dancing in front of a building.
So happy we were dancing in the street!

Team Building Benefits

A smiling man sits behind two bottles of champagne.
Cheers to new beginnings!

While we will miss our old office at co-working space LACS, and will especially miss the friends that we made there, we’re loving our new digs. It’s a great chance for us to really bond and to create an office that’s all our own. We’re able to have quick meetings, run into each other while making coffee, and communicate more freely.

Shared offices are amazing, don’t get us wrong. But with the amount of video calls and sales discussions we have every day, we didn’t want to be those noisy neighbors. Now, it’s a bit easier to hop on calls or schedule video chats.

We’re even going to do some team events like yoga in the common space to ensure we stay centered. It’s those little things that we do during our day to remember it’s not just about work; it’s about being happy, healthy people. We’re also considering book clubs, scheduled and impromptu happy hours, and more. If your team has suggestions for in-office bonding, let us know!

Making It Ours

Our office space is perfect for the Sales, Support, and Product teams that are based there. We even picked room names to reflect each spaces’ awesomeness:

Support Space= CSAT
Sales Space= ARR
Product Space= NPS
Meeting Rooms = Public Comment & Private Comment
Common Spaces = Intraday & Time Off
Kitchen & Toilets = General Tasks (obviously)

A door sign that reads “General Tasks”
Naming spaces that match our personality.

It was incredibly important to us to make the most out of little details. Things we chose from our lives to create a comfortable and homey environment when our team members come to work. For a really long time, we were remote. This was our first chance to build a space that was all our own, and we put love into every piece of the design. The concept was simple — we wanted everyone who works here or comes by to smile, have a seat, and feel like they belong here.

A pile of magazines with a small plant on top and a bigger plant next to it
Plants and Monocle mag — a great addition to any room.

We’re working on transforming it into a green space, making sure to ditch the coffee pods, and create a dedicated space for recycling. We’re also putting the kitchen to good use by stocking it with snacks, fruits, and beverages. We are learning about the many gluten-free options that exist as well since our team members have different dietary requirements.

As for the décor, we’re just packing in the plants. With all of the natural lighting there, it’d be a shame not to surround ourselves in greenery (but carefully because plants can be deathtraps). Since plants do require a lot of attention, we’re working up a schedule (yep…WFM is in our blood) to make sure they get the love they deserve.

We’re viewing this as a nice, big step in the progress of our company. It’s the home of our collaboration, friendships, and our growing brand. With a new office comes new team members as well — including our office manager, Jessica. Stay tuned for her story soon.

We ❤ our new setup.



Elisa Reggiardo

CMO @tymeshift. CX & WFM advocate. Wine, twin peaks, music & sneakers enthusiast.