Well, hello!

Lex Huth
Published in
4 min readMar 19, 2020

Fancy meeting you here on our new blog. How about we introduce our team?

A smiling woman fist bumping another person with a Tymeshift logo tattoo.
Spot our logo!

Tymeshift is more than a company or a brand. Yes, that sounds sappy, but it’s true. We are a tight-knit group that loves sharing what we are passionate about. For most of us, that includes our work. After all, we spend most of our days doing it — it’d be a shame if we didn’t enjoy how we spent that time.

So, how does a collection of nearly forty enthusiastic people find each other in this crazy world? It happens slowly and with a lot of care. If you talk to anyone at Tymeshift, they’ll tell you our enthusiasm isn’t just an act. We appreciate each other’s talents and are fueled by learning from each member of the team.

It’s about trust

And that starts at the top. Since I’m writing this (and I’m on the content team), I can say that our leadership gives us the freedom and the opportunity to grow in our careers without that messaging coming from “official channels.” With managers who ask questions like, “Honestly, how do you feel about this? Is it ok or would you like it to be different?” and a CEO who stays calm and creative when curve balls are thrown, it’s not hard to see why we all have fun at work.

Not only do our team members trust our leadership, but the leadership only hires people they fully support as well. If a Tymeshift team member goes to their manager with an idea, it will be seriously considered and often implemented. By building a creative community that works together, we are able to shape and redefine what we are interested in working on without feeling stuck.

A group of Tymeshift employees smiling at the camera.
We hang out even when we’re not working!

It’s about caring

Work/life balance is something so many companies talk about, but it’s hard to actually achieve. Our team is global, which we consider a huge asset. There is no echo chamber or automatic right answer because everyone comes from such different backgrounds. It makes us push harder to develop and keep connections with one another. It also makes us extra excited for conferences and onsite visits where we get to meet in person.

But working in a company with offices in the USA, Serbia, & Portugal as well as many remote employees means we have to focus on collaboration. There’s an additional layer of empathy required to understand how everything will fit together while also allowing us to be human and have lives. That sort of compassionate understanding is driven by knowing we can trust each other to do our best as efficiently as possible.

A group of people sitting in front of a laptop with their hands raised.
We take the term “All Hands” meeting seriously.

It’s about time

Yes, that’s a pun about our name and what we do. It’s also really true. We think it’s about time that companies build strong teams that make great things. With understanding and the ability to grow, our members can feel excited about where they work (so excited that many have the logo tattooed on themselves).

This isn’t some idealistic viewpoint, and it’s not meant to sway you toward feeling any type of way about us. We just wanted to introduce who we are, how we feel, and extend our hope that if you join the Tymeshift family as a team member or as an employee, we can help you to feel the same.

It’s about ALL of us

So we made this Medium blog as a way to communicate what we are passionate about. We believe we’ve created something that isn’t easy to find, and we’d love to share it. Our crew is excited to write about our knowledge, our projects, our connections with each other, and invite some subject matter experts to lend their voices along the way. Over the next few days, we’ll be posting some articles we wrote in the weeks leading up to the launch. But since we know a lot of people are working from home and might have WFM questions, we thought we’d ask what topics you’d like to see us talk about. Let us know, and we’ll work to make it happen.

Happy reading!

