The Social Network for Typography

Type Talk
Published in
2 min readMar 18, 2015


Social networks are a dime a dozen these days. But there’s still something intrinsically exciting about a passionate community of people who gather together to share and talk about what they love.

That’s what we wanted to make with Fontli — a place for people who take real pleasure in typography.

After all, a medium only exists to facilitate something larger than itself, and Fontli is nothing more than a medium. But it’s not just for anyone. We built it with one specific group of people in mind:

We built it for the type nerds.

How to tell if Fontli is for you

…And there are three exciting app updates!

#1 The team has been hard at work on an Android app that’s going to be launched in April, 2015. Fontli currently has over 25,000 users and we want Fontli to be enjoyed by all type geeks, irrespective of platform. It’s also going to look different from the Fontli you’re used to, but in a good way. ☺

#2 As the keen-eyed among you might have noticed in the infographic, there’s a brand new feature that’s coming up — collections.

#3 And for all our iPhone users, the Fontli team is in the process of revamping what you see on Fontli and how you use it, so you can look forward to a brand new user interface!

Follow Type Talk for more detailed updates in the coming weeks and more on typography.

