The Secret behind Typed’s Growth: Typers

Brian Shin
Team Typed
Published in
2 min readApr 12, 2021

Among multiple essential factors of building a successful product, there is one thing that Team Typed values most: Typers. Ever since the beginning of our journey which initially started off with a smaller goal of solving the problems of writing a good business plan, there was never a moment in which our customers were left out of the product development process. Conducting over 500 in-depth user interviews, on-boarding calls, and feedback sessions, we obsessively focused on understanding our customer’s primary pain points, lived through the problems they were facing, and constantly iterated the solutions to these problems until it was “sharp enough”. That’s how we were able to identify the core problem that is the root cause of all of the problems our customers had regarding collecting, managing, and synthesizing information and knowledge into writing: information silos and fragmented workflow.

Right: List of Interviews Left: User Onboarding & Feedback Meeting Schedule

On the macro level it’s important to understand that opportunities within a market is primarily driven by the change in user behavior, which has constantly evolved throughout history. As mentioned in Typed Knowledge Network Whitepaper (v1.2), the need for productivity and efficiency in order to achieve a specific goal has always been in demand, regardless of what that goal may be. From handwritten manuscripts all the way to resource-heavy digital documents today, continuous transformation of people’s needs were the main driving forces of technological advancements. In order to thoroughly understand the problems faced by your customers, it’s insufficient to just hear them; you have to be them. That’s the precise advantage that startups have over large institutions that’s too focused on competition and meeting stakeholder needs.

#typedHQ Slack Channel

Now we are going beyond one-on-one interviews and sessions by inviting our earliest supporters into an exclusive channel where we frequently update them with product developments for every release. It’s a constant effort to tighten the feedback loop between us and Typers by bringing them closer. Every important feature update and design changes can be easily discussed with and evaluated by the community — an essential data point for our product roadmap and daily decisions. When people ask what’s the secret ingredient behind our growth and energy, my answer has always been the same. Typers.

We are building Typed together.



Brian Shin
Team Typed

Entrepreneur · Product Manager · Cofounder @ Business Canvas · Computer Science @ New York University | “Build Something Valuable”