Add a beautiful cookie consent screen to your typeform using Axeptio

Nicolas Grenié
Typeform's Engineering Blog
2 min readOct 8, 2019

If you’ve been browsing the web from Europe you may have seen that almost every single website prompts you with a message about cookies. This is a result of the application of the GDPR regulation, launched in Europe in May 2018.

The idea was to give full control to users about their data and what companies are doing with it. While the principle sounded great on paper, it feels like many companies decided to not invest much in the actual implementation. We all end up with bland popup or something made specifically to confuse you so much that you feel forced to click “Agree”.

Where is my option to say “No” ?! 😱

There is definitively a better way, with a solution that’s is truly giving more control to the user. This is why we teamed up with Axeptio.

Friendly cookie messages meet friendly forms 😍

Axeptio created the ultimate platform to help publishers handle GDPR consent management and it looks amazing!

We told you, those things don’t have to be boring 😉

Isn’t it beautiful? 🤩

Integrate it with your typeform

You can easily set up Axeptio cookie management solution on your typeform using our Google Tag Manager integration (available on Professional plans).

Axeptio has even created a default configuration which adjusts the settings perfectly for typeforms.

Want Axeptio’s cookie messages in your typeforms? Just follow the tutorial here.

Once integrated with my typeform, this is how it looks 😃



Nicolas Grenié
Typeform's Engineering Blog

@typeform Dev Advocate, ex-@3scale, @sfcheeseparty enthusiast — G33k 🤓, fun🤘, frogs🐸 and snails🐌!