AmCharts as a tool for graphics design in Mango Automation

Ricardo Bastardo
Published in
5 min readDec 5, 2018

Until now, graphics have been the tool by excellence in the representation of results, since they simplify the visualization of them, regardless of the complex nature of the problem. That is why they are still an important alternative in software dedicated to the monitoring of variables (such as SCADA).

In this opportunity, I want to show you the use of the AmCharts library as a tool for the design of graphics in the SCADA Mango Automation software. For this, a Pie-type graphic is designed, detailing general attributes, such as the type of graphic; title edition; colors; size; labels; and legend; in addition to certain features of the maPieChart component of Mango.

This time, I will focus more on just editing the graphic.

What is Mango Automation?

It’s a software application that is oriented to data acquisition, IIoT, and SCADA. It uses standard HTML and includes powerful tools to create handy web views and control panels.

If you want to know more about Mango Automation, click here

What is AmCharts?

It’s a programming library oriented to the needs of data visualization. AmCharts allows us to share the graphics designed in different social networks or insert them into a website.

More about AmCharts, click here

Types of graphics that we can design with AmCharts:

  • columns
  • bars
  • lines
  • zone
  • cake
  • donut or Pie
  • XY
  • bubble
  • Radar

On the website, you can find tools that can help you to choice and design graphics, such as:

  1. The Demos option allows you to choose between different types of graphics, from which we can extract the code we want.

2. The Make Chart option offers an online graphics editor, with a friendly user interface, and then we can export the final code of our design.

Mango Automation uses maSerialChart and maPieChart components to supports graphics like line, bars, columns, and pie. We can find these components in the UI menu of Mango Automation -> API docs, see the image below).

Design of a Pie graphic simple in an HTML view of Mango Automation.

Let’s suppose that is required to represent with a graph the power consumed (in KW) by three machines, we created an AngularJS component, and the view is called “Home”.


  1. In Mango Automation, configure the data points according to the requirements (one data point by machine)
  2. Using the “maPoint” service or “maPointValue” and “maGetPointValue” components, be sure to get the value of each point (this can be verified in the HTML view).
  3. In the HTML view, we use the “maPieChart” component:
<ma-pie-chart style="height: 300px; width: 600px" values="values"></ma-pie-chart>

To add the data points values on the values field, you have to:

In the “style” field, we change the size of the chart container.

In the “value” field, the values we want to represent have been added, in this case:


The “$ctrl” prefix indicates that a component has been used for the view and, in addition, that the filtering of the points has been done from the “.js” component.

The “text” and “color” fields allow us to assign a name for the legend and the color desired for the graphics area.

The view generated is as follows:

For now, the “options” field is empty. Then, let’s going to add attributes of the AmCharts library, as follows:

options =
'depth3D' : 20,
'angle' : 20,
'titles' : [
'text' : 'Consumed Energy (Kw)',
'size' : 20,
'color' : 'white'
'fontSize' : 20 ,
'labelRadius' : 50 ,
'labelText' : '[[percents]] %'


  • depth3D : define the model of graph, 2D or 3D
  • angle: inclination graph, in degrees
  • titles: to define the title attribute
  • text: graphic’s title
    size: font's size
    color: font's color
  • fontSize: general font’s size,
  • labelRadius: label distance from the center of the Pie,
  • labelText: set the values, ​​in percentage.

And now, the view is as follows:

Then, we can add more attributes to the options field, as follows:


  • legend: the attributes of the Legends are added and edited inside
  • valueText: as empty ('') suppresses the numeric value of the view of the legends
  • align: legends alignment (center, lef, right)
  • innerRadius: internal radius size, in percentage
  • radius: external radius of the graph, in percentage
  • gradientRatio: Will make bands to fill with gradients of color. A negative value means that the color will be darker than the origi-nal, and a positive number means that the color will be lighter.
  • export: enables the option to export the data represented in the graph (true / false)

By clicking on the pie slice, the following is achieved:

Now, let’s make our Pie turn 30° modifying the “angle” attribute. Also, let’s change the font size of the legends. The shape and size of the markers will be changed to bubble type. For this, within the “legend” attribute, we add the following elements: markerType; markerSize; markerBorderThickness; as follows:

'angle' : 30,
'legend' : {
'valueText' : '',
'align': 'center',
'fontSize' : 20,

'markerType': 'bubble',
'markerSize': 24,
'markerBorderThickness': 1

The final code is the following:

Finally, we have our pie chart with the latest changes:

We have designed a Pie chart in a Mango Automation HTML view, using basic attributes offered by the AmCharts library. In this way, an easy way to represent the data in this software has been shown. It remains for you now to continue discovering many other exciting attributes of AmCharts.

See you in the next article!



Ricardo Bastardo
Writer for

Electrical Engineer UCV, Venezuela. Digital Systems, Microcontroller programming, IoT, web, mobile, Machine Learning.