Creation of data source in Mango

Rosbely Rojas
Published in
4 min readDec 6, 2018

A Data Source contains data points, and it is based on the data file, communication protocol, email, script language, and a structured query language.

To create a Data Source in Mango, we enter Administration -> Data Sources. Also, you can go through General Dashboard -> Admin home. Observe the following image.

It is worth mentioning that Mango has the following Data Sources:

  • 1-wire
  • ASCII-File Reader
  • BACnet I/P
  • BACnet MS/TP
  • Control Core Bridge
  • Data File
  • DNP3 IP
  • DNP3 Serial
  • eGauge
  • Environment Canada
  • HayStack
  • HTTP Image
  • HTTP JSON Receiver
  • HTTP JSON Retriever
  • HTTP Receiver
  • HTTP Retriever
  • Internal Data Source
  • Log4j Data Source
  • M Bus
  • Meta Data Source
  • Modbus I/P
  • Modbus Serial
  • OPC DA
  • PakBus IP Data Source
  • PakBus Serial Data Source
  • POP3 Email (standard mail protocol)
  • Scripting
  • Serial Data Source
  • SNMP
  • SQL
  • ssh
  • TCP/IP
  • Virtual Data Source
  • VMStat Data Source

In the Data Source option, we can select the model that we want to create.

Then, by clicking on the (+) icon next to the selector, the configuration view will open.

The Data Source can be: saved; enabled; disabled; also, your data can be exported as a .json or CSV file.

Data Source BACnet I/P

Bacnet I/P is an open communication protocol used for building automation.

The following image shows the configuration view of a Data Source of type BACnet I/P.

The configuration of the properties includes:

Name: is the name you want for the data source.

Export ID (XID): it is a unique identifier of the data source. Mango assigns an XID by default.

The XID of the data source can be modified and customized by the user, be sure not to assign the same name to two or more data sources.

Edit permission: allows delimiting actions that can be carried out by any user or groups of users, concerning the modification of data points, user administration and/or system permissions.

Purge: it allows deleting and/or deleting data at a time established by the user.

Update period: it is the update time of the data source.

Local device: refers to the local device that relates to the created data source, which has a unique I/P address.

COV lease time (minutes): The COV lease time, is the time in which the server sends notifications to the subscribers, concerning the changes in the COV criteria.

It should be noted that BACnet COV is a subset of the alarm and event services.

The configuration of event alarm levels consists of:

  • Initialization exception.
  • Message exception.
  • Device exception.
  • Poll aborted.

The types of events are classified as information; important; warning urgently; critical. Of security. As shown in the following image:

The Purge configuration now allows us to clean all the data in a time interval set by the user.

Finally, the BACnet discovery configuration is performed, in which it is established:

  • First name.
  • Name of the model.
  • Instance number of the device.
  • Address.
  • State.

Also, the list of objects anchored to the remote device is shown, see the following image:

Once the Data Source is configured and saved, we can visualize it in the main Data Source View.

In the created data source table, the name, type, and connection are detailed. Also, you have the option to enable; to disable; edit; remove; copy and export a .json file and CSV. Observe the following image:

