Expanded introduction to the TypeIt Hatching Feature

Published in
4 min readJul 14, 2023

In the previous article, we introduced the hatching feature of TypeIt. Today, we will continue to unveil the secrets of the Blue Series NFTs.

First, let us briefly review the triggering conditions and rules of the hatching feature.

Activation Condition:

Hatching will automatically activate once the entire network reaches 2150 5-level NFTs!

Hatching Rules:

1️⃣ Own a 5-level red-colored NFT keyboard.

2️⃣ The proficiency of the NFT keyboard must be greater than 300.

3️⃣ The NFT keyboards must have completed the hatching cooldown period (lasting 48 hours).

4️⃣ Have at least 100 $TYPE in your TypeIt wallet (the internal wallet).

Hatching Consumption and Limitations

1️⃣ Each hatching of a level 5 red NFT keyboard with rarity level N will consume 100 TYPE tokens, and the cost will decrease as the rarity level increases.

2️⃣ Each hatching process will also consume 30 proficiency points.

3️⃣ The hatching process will last for 48 hours.

4️⃣ During the hatching process, the NFT keyboard will be locked, which means you can not transfer/ trade or type to earn.

Hatching Cost

To unlock a Blue Mystery Box, a fixed cost of 10 $WORD tokens will be consumed.

Next, allow us to introduce to you the brand-new species of TypeIt

The Blue Series NFTs

How and where they come: Generated through hatching a level 5 red NFT.

What they need: $WORD

What they produce: $TYPE

Levels Range: 1–5.

The initial daily fixed output of TYPE: 355,689; decreases by 5% every 30 days.

About the $esTYPE

The esToken stands for Escrowed Token, originating from the Defi derivative project GMX.

The esTYPE is a type of esToken that can be converted into different amounts of $TYPE based on different lock-up periods.

  1. The daily earned $TYPE will be distributed in the form of esTYPE, which cannot be traded, used, or transferred.
  2. The earnings will be refreshed daily at 02:00 UTC time.
  3. A portion of $TYPE allocated for airdrops, ecosystem reserves, and redemption rewards will be used to reward users with extended lock-up periods.
  4. The esTYPE conversion rules (the esTYPE used for conversion will be automatically destroyed):
    The esTYPE can be converted within TypeIt App without any transaction fees and will be automatically credited.
Unit of calculation: days
Unit of calculation: days

The upgrade data

  1. The upgrade cost will be deducted after being converted into $WORD, with the price of $WORD referencing the average price of the previous day.
  2. The higher the level of the NFT, the stronger its computing power, the lower the loss ratio, and the longer the cooldown time for upgrades.

Comparison of upgraded attributes between the Blue Series and Red Series:

Rarity Data

  1. The higher the rarity of an Blue-series NFT, the greater its computing power. (However, the computing power of a level 1 Blue-series NFT is not influenced by its rarity, meaning that all level 1 NFTs have the same computing power.)
  2. The formula for increasing computing power based on rarity is as follows:

K is the computing power coefficient for rarity; N represents the level of the NFT (N≥2); rounding up to the nearest whole number.

For example, the computing power of a level 4 SR NFT would be calculated as follows: k = 3.98, N = 4

That concludes the comprehensive introduction to the hatching feature. With NFTs of different rarities and levels, you can obtain varying computing power and initial durability.

We hope this explanation has been helpful to you. If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out to us. Thank you!

About TypeIt

TypeIt is a revolutionary new keyboard that allows users to earn a passive income simply by using it to conduct their day-to-day typing activities. This innovative keyboard has converted keyboard themes into non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, which users can own and use to earn tokens as they type.






Editor for

TypeIt is the first ever Web3 keyboard that enables users to earn passive income by conducting day-to-day typing activities.