A New App Launching This Year Promises to Change the Landscape for Content Creators

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5 min readJan 31, 2020

Content creation on the web is a bit like trying to navigate through waters frequented by pirates. You might get through unscathed, but there is always someone out there who will take your work and either copy it directly or use it as the basis for their own.

What’s worse, there are hardly any qualms about this practice. In fact, whole communities exist online where content creators share stories of people who think they are entitled to a piece of work without having to pay for it, and these are just the people who have the audacity to ask for freebies. There are probably 10 more who are happy to just steal the work regardless.

Technologies, policies, and security solutions have been developed in an attempt to mitigate this content piracy, but nothing has been truly effective to-date. After, we all work and exist in the WWW — the Wild, Wild, Web.

A new app being launched this year is set to change this reality, switching the advantage to content creators all over the globe. The app is called Typerium.

Introducing Typerium

Typerium is a content creation tool, social media platform, and marketplace that puts content creators first. Everything created on the platform is protected to ensure all copyright and intellectual property remains in the hands of the content creator.

Content creators can use the social features to follow and interact with others on the platform, while the marketplace lets you sell your creations and buy the creations of others.

The first version of Typerium will launch in September 2020. This launch will focus on the content creation part of the app.

So, what can you expect from Version 1 of Typerium?

Typerium Version 1 — Content Creation

The first version of the Typerium app will let you create stunning and highly engaging posts for all popular social media platforms. The posts you create on Typerium will be optimized for size, plus there is a range of tools to help you create the perfect post. Those tools include:

  • Stock images and backgrounds to create the basis of your creation or to enhance it
  • The ability to upload your own images to further personalize the posts you create
  • More than 300 premium fonts to choose from to ensure the text on your images look fantastic
  • Add shapes, gradients, pre-made text templates, filters, effects, and much more to your posts to get the perfect design

Once you have finished your post, you can then instantly share it to any social media platform. In fact, you can use Typerium to create content for any digital platform.

Plus, you can do all the above right on your phone.

Typerium’s content creation tools are intuitive and easy to use because they were built by creators for creators. Typerium V1 will launch August, 2020.

The Typerium Evolution

Version 2 of Typerium will be released hot on the heels of Version 1. In fact, you can expect Version 2 in December of this year. You can also expect a whole host of new features. Let’s look at them in more detail.

Typerium Version 2 — Social Tools and a Creators Marketplace

Version 2 of Typerium will give you two new core areas of functionality –social tools and a marketplace.

The marketplace offers an even playing field for content creators. Plus, it is being built for the benefit of creators, ensuring more of your money stays in your pocket.

What will you be able to do in the Typerium content creation marketplace? Here are some of the features:

  • Buy pre-made templates within the Typerium ecosystem that you can then customize, speeding up the content creation process to help you do more.
  • Buy creations made by others.
  • Make money by selling your own creations on the Typerium platform. You’re in complete control over what you sell and how much you want to sell it for.

Typerium V2 will launch December, 2020.

The Content Creators’ Social Platform

As mentioned above, Typerium isn’t just a marketplace as it’s also a social media platform. This is a core part of the functionality of the platform as Typerium aims to create a community of like-minded individuals who want to break free from the top-down domination of web-based content creation that currently exists today.

So, what will you be able to do with the social media tools? The features include:

  • Follow other designers and creators who use Typerium. You can follow creators you know, and you can find new creators to follow.
  • You can make connections on the Typerium social medium platform as well. You can then message and interact with content creators and Typerium members that you are connected with.
  • As with other social media platforms, you will also have a social feed on Typerium where you can be inspired by new ideas, discover creators you haven’t heard of yet, and get involved in the Typerium community.

Everything You Need in One Place

Typerium is built using the latest technology, but the overarching philosophy is to give content creators new tools built using a model that puts creators in control.

Typerium is free to access, free to register an account, and free to use. You pay when you want to buy something from another content creator, plus you can sell your creations on the platform. This includes content you create on Typerium and content you create using other tools.

To find out more about Typerium, including the features that will be in the upcoming versions scheduled for release this year, visit the Typerium website.




Piracy is a huge problem for content creators. Typerium plans to change that, forever. www.typerium.io