March 12 | 365 Days of Writing Prompts

Miguel Garcia
Published in
1 min readMar 12, 2018

You have the choice to erase one incident from your past, as
though it never happened. What would you erase and why?

I was in my first or second year on the primary. At the time, that school was made to be temporary, however, only more than 15 years later it was replaced with a new permanent building. The school had a lot of hole in under the wooden building, sometimes there were animals looking for shelter there.

I remember very clearly, one day that there were kittens outside and some friends started to run on them, take them aside from their mom, throwing them on air. I was doing that too. I remember that after a while, at home, thinking about what we had made, why did we do that? Fortunately, there were no injuries for the poor kittens, but it was a terrible incident.

Last week, I don’t know why, I’ve remembered this episode with sadness and shame, more than 20 years passed. The regret is the worst feeling that one could have. From that day, I became aware of the fragility of innocent beings that can not defend themselves. Gladly, I became an animal lover.

