Waking up

Miguel Garcia
Published in
2 min readMay 17, 2018

For the past two months or so I am waking up at 6AM-6: 20 AM. Most of the days I don’t feel lazy or sleepy. In the last two days, my dreams are more intense just before waking up. Yesterday and today, I think I’ve waked up before the alarm rang.

Photo by Robert Nelson on Unsplash

The dreams I am having are not pleasant, but neither are nightmares. I cannot find the details of today’s dream. However, I recall it was on a beach, I was with some friends. Now that I am thinking about it, I know why I’ve dreamt with this. I am not an expert (nor curious) about dream stuff, but I am amazed whenever I can find the reason for some dreams. It is amazing how our brain fetches things from the sub-conscious and let us process them while we sleep.

Nevertheless, today I wake up with a sore throat. I already had it yesterday, but today is worst. The weather is changing from warm to cold every day, that’s great to be sick before summer.

During my whole day, the part I usually tend to forget is the morning. Most of the times, everyone is sleeping. Therefore I don’t interact with no one. Moreover, I have all the morning routine so “worked out” that it became an automatic process. Then, I tend to forget what I’ve made. In fact, if for some reason I move the order of some step in the process I often forget something, the food, the keys, the bag, etc.

Contrary to the most of people I know, in the morning I don’t use the mobile, see the emails, social networks, TV to see the news, music or whatever. I wait until I arrive at the university to “connect” to the world. In the car, I listen to the radio or to some podcast (I’ve previously downloaded).

May 17 | 365 Days of Writing Prompts | Feed your senses: Write down the first sight, sound, smell, and sensation you experienced on waking up today. Pick the one you’re most drawn to, and write. (For a bigger challenge, pick the one you’re least drawn to.)

