Thursday 14th October

Anna Michael
Typography Module
Published in
3 min readNov 7, 2021

I started my publication content by designing my first article which can then be used as a template for the other articles to come next. Below you can see a range of colour options I looked at for the first page of the first article. The big grey title will be cut-out. At first I was trying to see if printing with a coloured background would look nice. I also experimented with the footnotes being in a box or a different colour. I have decided to not over complicate it. The last two images show a more accurate representation of the style I want to follow. They also show how I want the bottom of every page to have the page number, article title, and author.

I had an idea to put little slips of layout paper into my publication. I tried printing either the photo or a chunk of text onto it so it can then reveal something else below. After experimenting with this idea I decided I loved the layout paper itself but it doesn’t work in the little slip. Instead I will try having a whole page of layout between the articles to divide them up.

I tried the idea of the layout paper before each article with the article title on to help divide the publication up. Below you can see two design ideas for the layout page title for the first article.

Below is the laser cut title look back through onto the layout title page before. I realised its very hard to make sure the title printed lines up with the cutout title. The second design works with the solid colour, but this is a lot of ink making the printing costs expensive and I also don’t like how the page looks from the other side as its slightly transparent. I have decided for the final print I will only print the top strip of the page in pink so the article still looks through to pink but the entire layout page isn’t printed on.

Below was InDesign spreads for how I wanted the layout pages to work for each article. The layout pages are shown as being white and the recycled paper is shown with an off-white background. I also decided to keep each article to only one colour with slightly darker and lighter shade of that colour being used. This will help the reader to separate the articles too.



Anna Michael
Typography Module
Editor for

A journal of my creative process and behind the scenes of my recent projects.