Tuesday 12th October

Anna Michael
Typography Module
Published in
2 min readNov 7, 2021

I started to design my publication. I already had a slight idea in my head of how i wanted it to look, I now just needed to experiment with printing it and which parts would be what colours and on what paper. Below I started designing my first pages on indesign. I am using am off-white background colour on the pages that aren’t coloured and I am leaving the pages that are on layout paper as white.

My First Designs on InDesign.

I did my first test prints to check the colours as you can see below. The first image is of my initial idea for the colours. When I printed it I didn’t like how pasty the background colour looks. I changed the background to the darker orange colour (the image doesn’t give an accurate representation of the colours) and left the text design as the paper colour. I did my test prints on a pad of A4 140gsm Recycled paper just for now.

Test Prints for the First Page.

Below you can see photos of my test prints for my intro page to check the colour and font size was legible enough. The first image I tried printing the off-white background colour too as an experiment. The left image’s text is a lighter yellow colour. I realised this was a struggle to read as it was to bright on the background colour. I have decided to not print the background colour and to keep the yellow but make it a bit darker so its still legible. I like the warmth this colour gives. I also started to design my first article to experiment with laser cutting parts of it and some other pages tomorrow.

Test Prints for the Intro Page.



Anna Michael
Typography Module
Editor for

A journal of my creative process and behind the scenes of my recent projects.