Tuesday 19th October

Anna Michael
Typography Module
Published in
2 min readNov 8, 2021

Today I printed my publication. I got the cover printed in the print studio on campus. I printed on a piece of paper just larger than A3 so that you can then crop it down after. I will laser cut the rest of my design on the cover tomorrow. I printed two copied incase the laser cutting has an issue.

I printed the rest of my publication using my home printer which was a slow process but I loved the quality it gave. I had to put the pages in one by one and flip them over to print on the other side. The recycled paper and layout paper I was printing on were just from these pads of paper. Both of them printed really nicely on my printer. I managed to finish printing my publication today in time to laser cut all the pages needed tomorrow.



Anna Michael
Typography Module
Editor for

A journal of my creative process and behind the scenes of my recent projects.