A Grid Font: Starting

Tiamera Ellen
Typography II
Published in
3 min readMay 11, 2019

So no one ever told me how hard it was to create a font. I already figured it was a lot of work but I never really thought about it. So when I was assigned a project to create a bitmap font using a grid I automatically started to freak out.

Ya know, stressing, pulling out my hair, all that jazz.

I did not even have an idea of what my bitmap font could look like.

How could I possibly think of an idea for something that has been done so many times before me? I was really struggling with concepts about how to be original and to make matters worse I HAVE TO USE A GRID!

I have to use a grid and it must be the whole cube, not half cubes. A little depressing.


I went to where I always go to get inspiration for a project:


A Grid Font: Starting

No one ever told me how hard it was to create a font. I already figured it was a lot of work, but I never really thought about it. So, when I was assigned a project to create a bitmap font using a grid I automatically started to freak out.

Ya know, stressing, pulling out my hair, all that jazz.

I did not even have an idea of what my bitmap font could look like.

How could I possibly think of an idea for something that has been done so many times before me?

I was really struggling with concepts about how to be original and to make matters worse I HAVE TO USE A GRID!

I have to use a grid and it must be the whole cube, not half cubes. A little depressing.


I went to where I always go to get inspiration for a project:


Just a little inspiration…

After that I got a little excited about what I could do for my project.

I will be doing some sketches and preliminary ideas for my font on the grid and will post my process as I go.

Until next time…

