Simply Put: Autobiography

Tiamera Ellen
Typography II
Published in
4 min readMay 12, 2019

For class I was tasked with writing a little bio about myself. I really enjoy writing so I enjoyed this assignment a lot. It allows me to be a little witty and playful with my writing. I am not sure what this assignment is for but we shall see. I also had to pick some pictures that represented me so I will attach those too.

Here is what I wrote:

Simply Put

To put it simply: my life and I-we are a work in progress…continuously adapting, probably never completely perfect. One thing I know for sure is that I am a blossoming flower of creativity who can only grow with the waters of colors and beauty; an ocean with fleeting waves of genius; a sunset calmed only by the sweet rush of night. Being creative was something that was always mine. It was like a teddy bear that I carried throughout childhood, always there and comforting. I struggled to find an identity that was mine, and in a way, art was there to help me find it. A defining factor of my identity is my creativity and the desire to create. Writing, photography, and design are all my crutches that I fall back on when I feel weak. They all help me to express how I feel and who I am in completely different ways. Writing allows me to be a different person and to extract myself from my reality. Photography gives me a third eye (which arguably could be my fifth because of my glasses), to time travel and freeze seconds of life as they pass. Design lets me create the world how I want to see and interact with it with one flick of my Adobe trained wrists at a time.

It’s funny to think that you can’t really know how much something means to you until it is gone or threatened to be taken away. About six years ago, Stargardt’s disease, a rare eye disease, came for my eyesight. With a lurking threat of losing my vision creeping in my subconscious, my appreciation for the world around me is tenfold what it was before. Art opened my eyes to the beauty all around, but this constant threat has made me aware of what aesthetics do for the world and everyday life, how the purple, pink sunset brings about warm memories or how carefully crafted each rain drop must be. I immerse myself in the world around me and the art that it is to bask in the ability to see. The idea of not being able to see and appreciate art like design and photography makes my chest tight with fear every time. Creativity is me. My personality, my decisions, it’s all based on the connection I have to creativity and to living a beautiful, meaningful life.

I am happy because I am creative. I am a leader because I am creative. I work hard because I am creative. I am Tiamera Ellen because I am creative and there is nothing I rather be. Like I said, my life and I are a work in progress, but so were all the masterpieces.

So about the pictures I had to attach. One picture had to be a self portrait, another of an object that represents you, and one that is a place, space, or structure for my bio.

My self-potrait. This was taken for my job.
My object. My camera is my best friend.
I couldn’t decide for this picture. SO I chose a bunch.

I will let you know what all this was for.

Until next time…

