Guest Blog Guidelines

Jamie Smith
Published in
3 min readOct 31, 2017


Interested in being a guest blogger for Tyrannosaurus Tech? Great. Here are the guidelines as of All Hallow’s Eve 2017.

Why are you doing this?

Because content is king, right? One of our missions is to bring the community together and building a content library for people in the community by a diverse group from the community is one way to achieve that goal.

How are you doing this?

By asking guests to write articles based on monthly subjects, we can build what will eventually become a really solid backlog of content. We will also be writing content but that wouldn’t give the broad perspective we’re looking for.

How do I contribute?

By writing! We’re not going to be putting out much more than subject cue’s. So, for example, October was UX month and if you had an article, any article, about UX then that would have been a perfect article. It could have been about time you learned what UX was, it could have been about UX best practices, it could have what UX is.

November is company team building. So, the article could be about how your company built a great team, it could be how your company built a terrible team, it could be suggestions on what makes a good team, it could be a BuzzFeed style listicle about the top 10 most hilarious movie work teams of all time.

The only thing we ask is that you bring yourself to the table. Your experiences and your perspective are what we’re interested in.

So we’ll provide the cue’s you provide the you’s. And also the words. At least 750 if you can but… we’ll accept less.

But… are there any guidelines?

Kind of. While the concept is very loose and informal, we are still interested in well written pieces. So before starting, begin with why. Why are you writing this? What the answer is isn’t as important as having an answer.

If you are writing a technical piece, make sure it will be useful for your audience.

If you are writing a more personal piece, are you present in the perspective?

I’m not a creative writing instructor. Or a writing instructor at all. It’s a bit experimental and this might (will certainly) change over time but for the time being it’s this.

What do I get?

We will do everything we can to promote you and your brand. Links to anything you want. Tweets. Instagrams. We can’t pay because, well, I don’t have a budget but I’ll do everything I can to push your name.

Are there any rules?

Right now we’re only asking:

  • the content is fresh and hasn’t been published anywhere before.
  • that if we do decide to use your story (which we probably will) that after we publish it, you let us have exclusive use of it for 90 days.
  • After that, we ask that you give us credit if you post it on any other platforms.

What Now?

Reach out! Email If you have an article you’d like to write, let me know. If it’s not right for November (Team Building Month), it will be right for another month. Or perhaps we base the next month off of your description.

Writing Prompts

Monthly Topics

  • October 2017: UX Month
  • Nov 2017: Team Building Month
  • December 2017: ?

Evergreen Topics

These are topics we will publish at any time

  • Diversity in Tech

