SQS Pitfalls & Best Practices

Cagdas Ozbey
Published in
3 min readMar 19, 2023

Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) is a fully managed, scalable, and reliable message queue service designed to help decouple and scale microservices, distributed systems, and Serverless applications. While it offers various benefits, it’s essential to be aware of the common pitfalls and best practices to make the most out of SQS. In this article I will discuss common SQS mistakes and how to fix them.

Pitfalls and Best Practices

Inappropriate use of visibility timeout:

Pitfall: The visibility timeout is the time during which a message is invisible to other consumers after being consumed. Setting an inadequate visibility timeout can lead to either message duplication or message loss.

Best Practice: Determine the appropriate visibility timeout based on the expected processing time of your application. Consider using Amazon CloudWatch to monitor your message processing time and adjust the visibility timeout accordingly.

Over-relying on the default configuration:

Pitfall: Relying solely on default settings may not meet your application’s specific requirements, which can lead to inefficiencies and bottlenecks.

Best Practice: Customize the settings, such as message retention period, visibility timeout, and delivery delay, according to your application’s needs. This helps ensure that the queue operates efficiently and effectively.

Inefficient long polling:

Pitfall: Short polling can lead to increased costs and high CPU utilization due to frequent, empty receive requests.

Best Practice: Utilize long polling to reduce the number of empty responses and minimize costs. Adjust the ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds parameter to an optimal value based on your application’s requirements.

Ignoring dead-letter queues:

Pitfall: Continuously retrying to process faulty messages without a proper dead-letter queue (DLQ) can lead to an infinite loop, wasting resources and time.

Best Practice: Implement DLQs to handle failed message processing, allowing your application to focus on processing new messages. Monitor the DLQ to identify problematic messages and address any underlying issues.

Not monitoring and scaling queues:

Pitfall: Failing to monitor the health and performance of your SQS queues can lead to bottlenecks and decreased throughput.

Best Practice: Use Amazon CloudWatch to monitor your queues and set up alarms for important metrics like ApproximateNumberOfMessagesVisible and ApproximateNumberOfMessagesNotVisible. Use AWS Auto Scaling or AWS Lambda to scale your application based on the monitored metrics.

Insecure IAM policies:

Pitfall: Overly permissive IAM policies can expose your queues to unauthorized access or manipulation.

Best Practice: Implement the principle of least privilege and grant only necessary permissions to your IAM roles and policies. Use service-linked roles for AWS services that interact with your SQS queues.

Not handling message ordering:

Pitfall: Standard SQS queues do not guarantee the order of messages, which may lead to unexpected processing results.

Best Practice: Use FIFO (First-In-First-Out) queues if your application relies on message ordering. Keep in mind that FIFO queues come with additional limitations, such as a lower throughput compared to standard queues.

AWS SQS is an essential service for decoupling and scaling distributed systems, but its effective use requires understanding and avoiding common pitfalls. Implementing the best practices outlined in this article can help optimize your SQS implementation and avoid potential issues, enabling your application to run smoothly and efficiently.

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