Cosmic Seeding: Panspermia Theory

Behiç Oytun Şenkul
Turk Telekom Bulut Teknolojileri
4 min readSep 20, 2023

Hi! In this article, we will examine what Panspermia Theory, also known as Cosmic Seeding, which dates back to ancient Greek times, is and how it emerged. Let’s start if you are ready…

Panspermia theory is a scientific hypothesis that suggests that life may have arrived on Earth from outer space. This theory argues that organic molecules or microorganisms could have reached Earth via asteroids, comets or meteorites. In other words, the Panspermia Theory aims to explain the unknowns about how life began.

How Did the Theory of Panspermia Originate?

The Theory of Panspermia originated when ancient Greek philosophers such as Anaxagoras (500 BC) and Democritus (500 BC) began to consider and investigate the possibility that life on Earth came from outer space. However, modern scientific explanations of the theory were first given in the 19th century by chemist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck and philosopher Lord Kelvin. In the early 20th century, the theory became more popular as more scientists researched it. In 1903, the Nobel Prize-winning chemist Svante Arrhenius took the theory of Panspermia a little further and proposed the ‘Welteislehre’ theory. Compared to the Panspermia theory, this theory suggested that microorganisms could be carried to Earth by winds due to the radiation effect in space.


In the 21st century, with the development of space exploration and astrobiology, the theory of panspermia has attracted much more attention and has been studied and researched by many researchers and thinkers, especially leading scientists. As a result of the research, the discovery of organic molecules in space has been seen as evidence supporting this theory.

Current Researches

Although the Theory of Panspermia is a theory that is not talked about in our environment and even new to many of us, a lot of research is being done, especially by researchers focused on space exploration. I can give examples of these researches as follows:

  1. The Search for Organic Molecules in Space: Astrobiologists and astronomers use space telescopes and space probes to determine the presence of organic molecules and compounds in space. The presence of these molecules can be considered as evidence supporting the Panspermia Theory, as they may be related to the transportation of these organic compounds to Earth.
  2. Meteorite and Asteroid Studies: Scientists are trying to understand these transport mechanisms by examining the contents of meteorites and asteroids that fall to Earth. In particular, they investigate whether they contain organic components or the basic ingredients of life.
  3. Microorganism Migration from Space to Earth: Scientists investigate whether microorganisms found in the Earth’s upper atmosphere and at high altitudes have come from space and their ability to survive in space. Space agencies and private companies conduct experiments that examine the potential for transport of these microorganisms.
  4. Astrobiology Researches: Astrobiology is a discipline that studies how life can form and potentially spread in different parts of the universe. Astrobiologists study the evolution and spread of different life forms, as well as the Theory of Panspermia.
  5. Life Sent into Space from Earth: Scientists test the Panspermia Theory by studying the ability of microorganisms on space probes or research vehicles sent into space from Earth to survive and be transported into space.
Meredith’s encounter with the Engineer (Prometheus Movie)


To date, many experiments have been carried out and many findings have been made in relation to the Panspermia Theory. The data obtained from these studies have not proved (!) that life on Earth had its origin on another planet or a meteorite. Of course, the theory has not been disproved either. This shows that the Panspermia Theory remains true. Especially in recent research, the discovery of water on new planets has made this theory even more powerful.
In this article, I have explained what the Panspermia Theory is, how it came into existence and the research done on the theory, which I think will be better understood in the future. The theory about Dr. Ellis Silver (The Theory of the Human Race Being Brought from Another Planet), who is doing research on this theory, will be the next article in my cosmic seeding series.

See you in my next article, goodbye :)

