The Noble Cause

Don’t let your fear of what might be repress liberty.

J. Messer
U.S. Politics 
2 min readMar 6, 2014


To defend liberty is a noble cause, do not shy away from its defense out of fear of what choices a free people may make. Fear is not Liberty’s companion nor does liberty or its allies use fear as a tool for achieving their goals. It is tolerance that accompanies liberty and together they bring hope. Fear is the weapon of our enemy. Whenever there is an abundance of fear you will find that liberty is often in short supply for fear cannot persist in the presence of hope which, liberty brings.

When we, out of fear knowingly sit and do nothing as liberty is denied to others then we are either a patriot and a coward or an enemy of liberty, the same liberty that so many American’s have fought and died for. When we deny even a single person their freedom we forge the first link in what can quickly become a very long chain of abuses. A chain that can be used to enslave us all.

In borrowing some words from Thomas Jefferson I tell you this; to deny a couple equal treatment under the law based solely on their gender is a “moral and political depravity.”

Who are we to limit the possibilities and choices of individuals when they do not affect the health or wellbeing of others? While some may stand in defiance of such freedom based on their interpretation of religious principals and teachings, I ask you this. What god shall condemn us for standing in defense of a people’s liberty, a group of people who have throughout history been marginalized and persecuted? Shall we be condemned for showing compassion, understanding, and tolerance toward people who some consider to be sinners? Are we all not sinners? Even if we do not agree with their choice the fact remains that it is their choice to make.

Liberty comes endowed by our creator and it is the fundamental principle on which this nation was founded. God’s self-determination is reflected in each and every one of us and it is us who think, act, and determine our destinies out of our heart. It is not our place to make decisions for others nor is it our place to stand in judgment of them. We are not required to stand in defense of their choice; we must however as allies of liberty stand in defense of their right to make that choice.

If this is the next civil rights movement will you be ashamed to stand in front of the world 40 years from now and reaffirm your current position? Be an example to the world through the way you live not through the way you tell others they must live. Be a champion for liberty and bring hope to your community.



J. Messer
U.S. Politics 

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of…other people’s expectations? she/her/hers Air Force Airman and Transwoman #usaf #trans