Refactor Current Code to MVP Android

Hafiz Waleed Hussain
U Want To Learn
Published in
1 min readNov 30, 2015

Hello Guys. Now I am starting video podcasts for Android development. Now in this podcast basically I will share with you my knowledge about how you can refactor your current code base into Android MVP. So your project will be very easy to maintain and scaleable and the greatest benefit of this approach you can write good unit tests but in this podcast we only see a simple app. In which I will show you how to refactor to MVP without writing unit tests. In my next podcast I will show you the same example with how you can refactor your code by using TDD.

OK Guys enjoy the video podcast.

Application code is available on Github. Note I am creating branches. So check branches for learning every thing. Like currently I have one branch with name RefatorWithOutUnitTest.

