U-Zor Media and NISHIZAWAARCHITECTS studio collaboration on identity case. Architectural Studio founded by Shunri Nishizawa and based in Ho Chi Minh,Vietnam.

U — Zor Media
3 min readApr 23, 2016


(Q)uestions by Aziz Melibayev
(A)nswers by Shunri Nishizawa

Q: What is your design philosophy?
: Identify the core of value in tropical architecture / New space architecture exploration.

Q: What are the steps in your design process and how are they organized?
: First it is client request, then side checking, possibilities / materials exploration. And then it goes to a story creation, building up a concept, clarifying the details. Most often the final result depends on many factor as suppliers, sub-contractor, actual builder… so it is a quite experimental process which you can not fully control.

U-Zor Media backstage of ideation process on Identity case.

Q: What do you think sets your firm apart from the other architects with similar experience?
: I think it is open mind, using possibilities of spacious architecture, we are breaking up cliches of a local (Vietnamese) architectural practice. We are building up relationships with environment and natural recourses. We are using different materials to bring innovative still sustainable solutions in life.

Q: What kind of projects you are planning to design in nearest (5 years) future?
: Private houses with strong character, context wise I am keen on to architect school, kindergarten, farm.

Q: Where do you get your inspiration/sources? Architects, artists, photographers, influence you.
: Tadao Ando (my mentor), Glenn Murcutt, Peter Zumpthor, Lina bo Bardi, Pado Mendes da Rocha.

Fabrica is a communication research centre based in Treviso, Italy. Architect Tadao Ando

Q: What kind of music you are listen to these days and who are your favorite musicians?
: I like Brasilian music, Villa Lobos. Alberto Ginastera. And cuban music from Buena Vista Social Club documentary.

Q: What kind of movies you like/would recommend as references?
: Movies: Buena Vista social club directed by Wim Wenders, The scent of Green Papaya (Tran Anh Hung), Space Odissey (Stanley Cubric)
Artists: Jean (Hans) Arp, Haruka Kojin.

Still from The scent of Green Papaya directed by Tran Anh Hung

Q: If you wouldn’t be an architect? Who would you become?
: Well, in my childhood I was really into ocean science, exploring fish types, the way they live and their natural behavior.

Q: Advices/Tips to young architects at the beginning of their path.
: Build trustworthy relations / work hard / innovate.

You can find out more about Shunri Nishizawa’s studio at studio website:

Identity case study on Behance:

