Andrej MalyhininFlo Health UKBecome an iOS Developer in 18 StepsIt was enough to study Objective C and several frameworks to become an iOS developer five years ago. Now you need this step-by-step guide.Jan 28, 20191Jan 28, 20191
Andrej MalyhinSwift code improvements that I used in my latest iOS app.In one of my previous articles I jokingly said that every iOS developer should write their very own To-Do list app. One of my friends read…Jul 14, 20171Jul 14, 20171
Andrej MalyhinRefactoring Massive ViewControllers with Services.Having all the logic inside of ViewController is a terrible idea and you know it. And when you open another MainViewController that…Dec 5, 20162Dec 5, 20162
Andrej MalyhinThe Good, The Bad and the Ugly of VIPER architecture for iOS apps.Introduction to VIPEROct 17, 201613Oct 17, 201613
Andrej MalyhiniOS developer bookmarks. #1In case you’ve missed something here is my list of articles:Oct 7, 2016Oct 7, 2016
Andrej MalyhinObjective-C vs Swift.This is like the battle of old vs new, youth vs experience, father against son. All the cool kids seem to like Swift and hype around it is…Oct 6, 20162Oct 6, 20162
Andrej MalyhinWorking with icon fonts in iOS. Code example in Swift 3.When I just have started iOS development there was no such thing as retina display. Everything was pretty easy back then. You just recive…Sep 12, 20161Sep 12, 20161
Andrej MalyhiniOS Application design from developer’s perspective.One experienced designer once told me that UI is more of a process rather that still structure. It’s always changing. It’s naturally…Aug 23, 2016Aug 23, 2016