PinnedOlugbenga Samuel BabatundeSociocultural Practices: Their Role in the Transmission and Control of Parasitic DiseasesA Masquerade Dancing (Image Source)Oct 12Oct 12
Olugbenga Samuel BabatundeThe Human-Parasite Struggle: Who Deserves Help First?A Call for help (Image source)Sep 21Sep 21
Olugbenga Samuel BabatundeBeyond Awareness and Hope: Combating Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) A Parasitologist’s Call to…A call to action (Image Source)Jan 30Jan 30
Olugbenga Samuel BabatundeENDURANCEImage When I am hungry, I eat food to fill my stomach. Also, when I am thirsty, I drink water to quench my thirst. In…Nov 2, 2020Nov 2, 2020
Olugbenga Samuel BabatundeTHE FAITHFUL GODImage from: 1, 20201Nov 1, 20201
Olugbenga Samuel BabatundeAn Icon in the GameIt was difficult for me filling this blank cheque to meet my favourite African personality. As difficult as the task was the choice was…Jun 18, 2020Jun 18, 2020
Olugbenga Samuel BabatundeÒrò Agbá (Words of the Elders)A proverb is a brief and simple phrase that gives advice and effectively embodies a commonplace truth based on practical experience or…Jun 15, 20201Jun 15, 20201
Olugbenga Samuel BabatundeThe BrandThe war between humans and pathogens has started since time immemorial and it has not ended. Sometimes, it seems as if these pathogens are…Jun 12, 20201Jun 12, 20201
Olugbenga Samuel BabatundeIn LifeGood day students, sorry I am coming late to class today. I am Olugbenga Samuel Babatunde, your new teacher. It is nice meeting you. I know…Jun 8, 20201Jun 8, 20201