Sinisa LoucinSkills MatterScala eXchange London 2018: A topic-based approach to conferencesI just came back from London where I had the opportunity to attend Scala eXchange 2018 and I noticed one really interested thing — its…Dec 16, 2018Dec 16, 2018
Sinisa LoucWhat's new in Scala 3A short digest of features and improvements that are coming in Scala 3.May 21, 20182May 21, 20182
Sinisa LoucinWe’ve moved to demistifying the Monad in Scala: a Category Theory approachAn article that tries to explain monads as a functional programming concept from a theoretical point of viewFeb 25, 20173Feb 25, 20173
Sinisa LoucinHackerNoon.comGeneralized type constraintsShort and simple explanation of generalized type constraints in Scala.Aug 20, 20163Aug 20, 20163
Sinisa LoucinHackerNoon.comFunctors and ApplicativesExplanation of functors and applicative functors and why they are useful.Jul 7, 201610Jul 7, 201610
Sinisa LoucMethods as functions (or, what exactly is “eta expansion”?)Treating methods as functions. Eta-expansion. Partially applied functions.Jun 2, 20167Jun 2, 20167
Sinisa LoucOvercoming type erasure in ScalaSome problems caused by type erasure and how they can be solved in ScalaMay 4, 20169May 4, 20169
Sinisa LoucAd-hoc polymorphism and type classesConceptual and practical explanation of ad-hoc polymorphism and type classes, with implementations in ScalaJan 9, 20165Jan 9, 20165
Sinisa LoucinWe’ve moved to the Monad in ScalaWhat monads are and how to use them in ScalaDec 4, 201528Dec 4, 201528
Sinisa LoucinJavarevisitedVariance in Java and ScalaAttempt at filling the gap between too complex and too simple articles on this topicNov 22, 201516Nov 22, 201516