hui wanginFrontend WeeklyJavascript Data Structures: QueueLet’s say you meet someone amazing and you take them on a date. Instead of going to some fancy restaurant with a long line(queue) you take…Dec 27, 20171Dec 27, 20171
hui wangJavascript Technical Interview AlgorithmsI’ve been preparing for the Javascript technical interview the past few weeks. I used books, blog posts, job boards, and websites like Code…Dec 21, 20171Dec 21, 20171
hui wangWhat is a Stack?During a coding technical interview, I was asked to “Write a function that will return true if a string of parentheses, brackets, and…Dec 11, 2017Dec 11, 2017
hui wangHTML <canvas> Animation with Javascript<canvas> is an HTML element that allows a user to create graphics using Javascript. It can be used to create animations, interactive…Sep 26, 20171Sep 26, 20171
hui wangCryptovirologyBefore attending Flatiron school, I worked in a health care company. Our company receives hundreds of attachments from health insurance…Sep 5, 2017Sep 5, 2017
hui wangCoding MusicIn the last 2 months, I learned a lot of coding by attending Flatiron School and using different online resources. Started from learning to…Aug 15, 2017Aug 15, 2017
hui wangRuby Cheat SheetMy memory is really bad. The weekend before I started coding boot camp at the Flatiron school, I attended a surprise birthday party for a…Aug 1, 2017Aug 1, 2017