Andy Santana

Andy Santana


7 stories

Image of used tissue and nasel spray
Andy Santana

Andy Santana


2 stories

Andy Santana

Andy Santana

Design Ops

2 stories

Two silver and black iMacs displaying design workflows sit on a wooden desk against a sunlit window
Andy Santana

Andy Santana

Auto HMI

1 story

Andy Santana

Andy Santana

Growth design

2 stories

Andy Santana

Andy Santana


2 stories

Wireframe of a page with metrics call outs pointing to UI elements
Andy Santana

Andy Santana

System Thinking

1 story

The building blocks to create a successful system map. Illustration by Danielle Elchik
Andy Santana

Andy Santana


2 stories

Andy Santana

Andy Santana


1 story

Andy Santana

Andy Santana


1 story

Visualisation of the pitch canvas consisting of eight rectangular fields with titles, descriptions and icons. Titles and descriptions are similar to the contents of this article.