Martin IbseninPath & PatternSådan bliver du en elsket og indflydelsesrig UX-designerGodt design og UX-arbejde er en central og uundværlig del af succesfuld digital produktudvikling. Men alt for ofte spændes der ben for…Feb 2, 2020Feb 2, 2020
Martin IbseninPath & Pattern4 argumenter som overbeviser din CEO om, at protoyping er en god idéJeg så, fornyeligt via Twitter, Christian Bason (administrerende direktør for Dansk Design Center) benytte følgende citat i et foredrag.May 1, 2019May 1, 2019
Martin IbsenShould companies take on ethical responsibility when they use new technologies?With new possibilities come new and different challenges…Oct 24, 2018Oct 24, 2018
Martin IbseninPath & PatternBør virksomheder påtage sig et etisk ansvar, når de udnytter de mange nye teknologiske muligheder…Med nye muligheder følger nye og anderledes udfordringer…Oct 17, 2018Oct 17, 2018
Martin IbseninPrototyprHow to test if the Internet of Things (IOT), Voice Control, Smart Home, Cloud Solutions and other…I talk to a lot of companies that have a focus on using new technology trends as opportunities to evolve and extend their business. In some…Apr 30, 20181Apr 30, 20181
Martin IbseninPrototyprWatch out for buzzwords: UX without properly involving people is not UXUX in the sales meetingApr 12, 2018Apr 12, 2018
Martin IbseninMartin IbsenQuick guide to the business value of design thinkingDesign thinking has generated a lot of buzz over the last couple of years. Yet despite the buzz and a lot of evidence showing that design…Mar 24, 2018Mar 24, 2018
Martin IbseninMartin IbsenWhy we need human-centred design at the core of every smart home and internet-of-things productI follow a funny Twitter account called Internet of shit. The account is basically an ongoing list of internet of things products that do…Mar 10, 2018Mar 10, 2018
Martin IbseninMartin IbsenStartup’s of the future to keep an eye onNew interesting companies and forward-thinking ideas are emerging every day. From different channels I get news and insights on new and…Mar 3, 2018Mar 3, 2018
Martin IbseninMartin IbsenWhy is it smart to know what to build before you build it?User Experience and concept development sounds like many buzzwords, but both elements are important and very practical methods in a good…Feb 23, 2018Feb 23, 2018