Rohan KapurinA Year of Artificial IntelligenceRohan & Lenny #3: Recurrent Neural Networks & LSTMsThe ultimate guide to machine learning’s favorite child.Apr 13, 201724Apr 13, 201724
Rohan KapurinA Year of Artificial IntelligenceThe goal of our blogHi readers of A Year of AI!Nov 13, 20161Nov 13, 20161
Rohan KapurinA Year of Artificial IntelligenceRohan #7: Can artificial intelligence possess human-like minds?A philosophical question — not a technical one.Jun 5, 20163Jun 5, 20163
Rohan KapurinA Year of Artificial IntelligenceRohan #6: The beautiful math behind logistic regression.What most beginner ML courses won’t teach you.May 21, 20164May 21, 20164
Rohan KapurinA Year of Artificial IntelligenceRohan #5: What are bias units?This is the fifth entry in my journey to extend my knowledge of Artificial Intelligence in the year of 2016. Learn more about my motives in…Apr 8, 20161Apr 8, 20161
Rohan KapurinA Year of Artificial IntelligenceRohan #4: The vanishing gradient problemOh no — an obstacle to deep learning!Mar 16, 201617Mar 16, 201617
Rohan KapurinA Year of Artificial IntelligenceRohan & Lenny #1: Neural Networks & The Backpropagation Algorithm, ExplainedDo you know the chain rule? Then you know the neural network backpropagation algorithm!Mar 4, 201620Mar 4, 201620
Rohan KapurinA Year of Artificial IntelligenceRohan #3: Deriving the Normal Equation using matrix calculusUnderstanding the analytical solution to linear regression.Feb 16, 201623Feb 16, 201623
Rohan KapurinA Year of Artificial IntelligenceRohan #2: Artificial intelligence, ∂Progress/∂TimeA technical and philosophical analysis on the past, present, and future of artificial intelligence.Feb 9, 20162Feb 9, 20162
Rohan KapurinA Year of Artificial IntelligenceRohan #1: Logistic regression case study — diagnosing cancerHow classification algorithms like Logistic Regression can understand the difference between malignant and benign breast cancer tumors.Jan 22, 20165Jan 22, 20165