Published inAcutarioEcto Custom Types, a practical case with enumerize (Rails gem)We keep on track with the migration of our Rails application to Elixir at Acutario, and here is another article about our trip :-).Mar 27, 20171Mar 27, 20171
Published inAcutarioDecorating ElixirIn the last months, my fellows at Acutario and I have been working in rewriting some parts of our Rails application into Elixir language…Feb 27, 2017Feb 27, 2017
Published inThe Cocktail Engineering¿Problemas de rendimiento en tu API? Serializa con pluck y ArelEl rendimiento es uno de los problemas más molestos con el que nos solemos encontrar los desarrolladores. Un ‘memory leak’, un algoritmo…Jun 20, 2016Jun 20, 2016