Guray YildirimSet Up a Wireguard VPN Server With Docker In 5 MinutesWe need VPN to connect to different targets like private company networks, our servers which don’t have public IP addresses or the ones…Jan 25, 20231Jan 25, 20231
Guray YildirimSet Up Rancher 2.6 Lab Environment in a Ubuntu VM on Cloud or Your ComputerKubernetes provides a lot of features from orchestrating your nodes about managing containers to scaling applications while load balancing…Sep 14, 20213Sep 14, 20213
Guray YildirimCreating Kubernetes Cluster on Azure with Terraform and Python using CDK for TerraformIntro & MotivationAug 15, 20201Aug 15, 20201
Guray YildiriminAnalytics VidhyaDockerizing a REST API in Python Less Than 9 MB and Based on scratch ImageStep by step Dockerizing a Python API as a single file and optimizing the size without any external dependency.May 16, 2020May 16, 2020
Guray YildiriminpeptrWhy boring_wozniak Will Never Be Generated as a Container Name in Docker?When creating containers with Docker, one doesn’t have to give them names. By default, if there is no name provided, Docker itself…May 3, 20201May 3, 20201
Guray YildirimWhy did I Decide to Use Docker for Teaching Python (and many others)Problem & RequirementAug 19, 2018Aug 19, 2018
Guray YildirimHow Git Really Works? — Part 1: How “git add” works under the hood?There are many Git tutorials out there that explains the command line usage, commit/branch/merge definitions and other concepts for daily…Feb 19, 20181Feb 19, 20181
Guray YildirimSet Up a VPN Server With Docker In 5 MinutesUpdate 2020–08: Easy-RSA looks for a vars file and gives error otherwise. Creation of an empty file is added in the steps.Feb 13, 201824Feb 13, 201824
Guray YildirimWordPress + MySQL with Isolated Network Deployment in 30 Seconds with Docker Swarm ModeWordPress is using as a blog CMS for a long time. As a result, it is a huge project and it can be classified as monolithic WEB application…Feb 6, 2018Feb 6, 2018
Guray YildirimFalcon: A Python Framework for Writing Excellent Microservices and APIsFalcon is a Python framework that comes with great speed and makes backend and microservice developments easy. It claims that it can handle…Feb 5, 20181Feb 5, 20181