M Ilham Akbar JuniorDesigning the Future: A Tale of Teamwork and InnovationGreetings, readers! I’m thrilled to take you on an extraordinary journey through my role as a Product Design Manager in Bareksa. This isn’t…Oct 9, 2023Oct 9, 2023
M Ilham Akbar JuniorinKargo Product TeamBuilding My Design Career in A Logistics Tech StartupTwo years ago, I quit my job at one of the most innovation-driven NGO. I had been working there for three years. During this time, I…Jun 30, 2021Jun 30, 2021
M Ilham Akbar JuniorinKargo Product TeamDesign Debt: Why You Should Avoid It (Especially in Fast-Paced Company)“Deliver fast means fast feedback” — Speed is often identified with startup companies. However, when business development continues to riseNov 30, 2020Nov 30, 2020