A Q&A With Our Intern, Pauleanne

Spend the next few minutes getting to know Pauleanne Codilla, our newest Student Services and Engagement Intern!

UAlberta Arts Insider
UAlberta Arts Insider
4 min readMay 18, 2023


Just making some cotton candy in the Main Quad.

What are your favorite hobbies or activities to do outside of work?
Some of my favourite hobbies include bouldering, playing squash, journaling, reading, cooking, volunteering, and listening to podcasts! Now that it’s getting warmer outside, I also enjoy hiking and going on ice cream walks with my friends.

On my days off work, I really enjoy doing errands! Whether that be grocery shopping, going to the bank, or book shopping at Wee Book Inn on Whyte — those all sound very appealing to me.

The Wilson Climbing Centre is a really great climbing gym for university students!

Do you have any pets? If so, tell me about them!
I don’t have my own pet, but I do have a roommate who has a cat! Ricky is the baby of our household, and she is the cutest ever.

Back home in the Philippines, I grew up on a chicken farm with my grandparents, and we had close to a hundred chickens (do chickens count as pets?). My dad also loves animals, so we have 7 dogs, 3 cats, and a few chickens at his house too!

Meet Ricky! :)

What kind of music do you enjoy listening to? Any favorite bands or artists?
Like many Filipinos, I grew up singing karaoke. If you don’t know how karaoke works in the Philippines, the song selection is quite limited to oldies. With that said, my default music is by older artists. Some of my favourite artists include: ABBA, The Carpenters, The Beatles, Dan Fogelberg, Elton John, Gilbert O’Sullivan, and many more!

However, my music choice also depends on what activity I’m doing. Upbeat songs while working out (of course), indie while running errands, and lo-fi while studying.

An Instagram story I posted while I was home in the Philippines. Every time we had guests over, my dad would ask me to sing in front of our guests (that is how you combat shyness).

Are you involved in any community or volunteer work?
I have always had a passion for community service. A value that my grandfather instilled in me is the importance of helping others. Most of my volunteer work is with Rotary International. I started volunteering for Rotary when I was 15 years old (so coming on to 6 years now!), and I actually had the privilege of serving as the University of Alberta Rotaract President last school year!

I was also introduced to Migrante Alberta through my Community Service Learning placement, so I have committed to volunteer my time there as well. I have also volunteered for organizations within our Edmonton community such as the Meals on Wheels, Edmonton Food Bank, Sleep in Heavenly Peace, Roots for Trees, and many more.

The University of Alberta Rotaract Club is a fantastic way to meet new friends!

What made you want to do an Arts Work Experience work term?

I am always eager to develop my professional skills and gain experiences, so when I heard about the Arts Work Experience, I knew I had to sign up!

I was also starting to feel overwhelmed with my studies, so I wanted to take a break from studying and pursue other opportunities that the University could offer me. The great thing about the Arts Work Experience is you retain your full-time student status despite being on a work term, so you still have access to funding opportunities, the gym, workshops, and all that fun stuff!

I am just about to wrap up my third week with the Faculty of Arts Undergraduate Student Services, and I have been loving my work experience so far! I highly recommend every Arts student to consider integrating the Arts Work Experience program into their degree.

I got a name placard for my office! Isn’t that cool?!

Pauleanne Codilla is a third year Bachelor of Arts student pursuing a major in Psychology. Over the next year, you can see her at the front desk of the Faculty of Arts Undergraduate Student Services office or running around campus hosting student events. Come stop by our office and say hello!



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UAlberta Arts Insider

Stories from UAlberta Arts undergrad students, alumni, and staff.