Heart of The Arts: Maïlys Paccoud

Learn about Maïlys, her journey as a University of Alberta Anthropology student, and read about her aspirations for life after school.

UAlberta Arts Insider
UAlberta Arts Insider
5 min readApr 28, 2022


No two students will ever have the same University of Alberta journey, and although the path is rarely a straight shot to the caps and gowns of convocation, we all get the chance to learn more about ourselves, our ambitions, the subjects that excite us, and the people that we get to meet along the way.

Join us today as we get to know Maïlys Paccoud, a current UAlberta Anthropology student! Maïlys was kind enough to sit down with our team and share some details about her background, aspirations, and unique journey as a part of our Arts community. We couldn’t be more excited to share her story with you all today.

1. Give us a few quick facts about yourself, but in the way that your friends might describe you.

  1. I’m very honest and upfront about what I think and feel about things, and I love talking to people and learning their stories.
  2. I love to laugh, it’s something people notice about me right away!
  3. I was born in Montreal but I moved here to Edmonton when I was 2, so it’s been a very long time since I’ve been back to my roots.

2. What’s your favorite thing about working as a Career Peer Educator?

I really love connecting with students and learning about all their interests! It’s really easy for me to end up getting stuck in my own world when it comes to my specific department here at the U of A, so I can sometimes forget that people are pursuing interesting things like Actuarial Sciences. I just think it’s so interesting to learn about those disciplines that I know nothing about and to hear about the paths other students are taking.

3. If you could go back and do one thing differently during your degree (so far), what would it be?

If I could go back I would look more closely at the requirements for my degree because I didn’t realize there’s like a maximum amount of Anthropology courses you can take. I’ve completely maxed out my credit limit for that within two years and now I can’t take any more, so I would’ve been more choosy when deciding which courses to take since I just took every single one.

4. What excites you about the chance to work with Ecofor this summer?

I’m really excited to be living in Whitehorse, and getting to work in the field of archeology which I’ve not done for money before so I’m very excited about getting hands-on experience in my field.

5. What’s something you would say to Arts students who are worried about finding work in their field?

I would say take advantage of all of the opportunities that are available to you as a student! Doing research you’re really into, getting involved with projects you hear about and find interesting on and off-campus, and figuring out what you’re passionate about sets you up really well. When just hanging out at home, see if you can reach out to people you know or would like to work with, many of the opportunities in my field have come to me by just talking to people and reaching out!

You have to be really proactive and often need to think about things months in advance, but you will find work in your field if you’re interested in it. There will always be opportunities in your field if you’re willing to put yourself out there.

6. Do you have any plans for life after completing your degree?

I am hoping to get into the University of Victoria’s Indigenous Law (JID) program where you do Canadian law for the first half and learn about Indigenous legal orders through fieldwork for the second. I’m really interested in that but it is a competitive program, so if it doesn’t happen, I’d be happy to continue doing archeological work or perhaps an MA in Anthropology!

Thanks once again to Maïlys for sharing her experience with us, we can’t wait to hear about all of the great things that your summer in Whitehorse with Ecofor brings you!

Interested in sharing your own unique UAlberta Arts story with the rest of our community? Nominate yourself, or someone you know, using our Arts Student Spotlight Nominations form here!

No matter where you are in your University of Alberta Arts journey just remember that you’re not alone! It can be hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel during your degree, especially during exam and project seasons, but if you’re willing to explore new ideas and passions there will always be opportunities waiting for you to take advantage of. Let our Arts Work Experience (AWE) team help you get started when it comes to finding work in your field, they’ll always be here to support you with skill-building workshops, help to find potential jobs, and interview preparation.

This article was written by Logan Bourdon, who serves as the Student Engagement and Outreach Specialist for the University of Alberta’s Faculty of Arts Undergraduate Student Services. Logan graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Alberta in 2020 and has spent the past 4 years working in student services, community engagement, and communications.



UAlberta Arts Insider
UAlberta Arts Insider

Stories from UAlberta Arts undergrad students, alumni, and staff.