Top 5 Hacks for Bear Tracks

Bear Tracks can be a headache. (But it doesn’t have to be.)

Shannon Coyne
UAlberta Arts Insider
2 min readAug 12, 2019


Here’s some time-saving Bear Tracks tips!

  1. Additional Filters
    The Faculty of Arts offers A LOT of courses. Save yourself some time as you search to find the right one for your schedule by clicking on the “Additional filters” button on the Search for Classes page.
    This allows you to filter based on location (including in-class vs. online), specific days, times, etc. Uncheck the “Show Open Classes Only” box to view courses that are full — and add them to your watch list to be notified when a seat opens up!
  2. Open your schedule builder in another tab.
    Look through courses and compare class times to your draft schedule at the same time.
    So simple, but easy to forget to do.
  3. Read the course description.
    You’ll want to know the prerequisites, corequisites, and other important info for each course as you build your schedule. For more information about courses, see the Course Catalogue.
  4. Final exam dates matter.
    Ugh… the number of times I have complained about having more than one exam on the same day when I actually knew before the semester even started…
    Check final exam dates right away, so you know what’s in store.
  5. Start with the courses you need to take.
    We’re talking Basic Requirements, major requirements, your second major’s requirements, prerequisite courses that are not available in the next semester — all that jazz! And if you have any pesky three hour labs or a course that’s 4 days per week, like a language course, slide those into your schedule first. Then, add all of the other classes you’re interested in but don’t need this semester. From there it’s a process of elimination!

Ta-dah! Your schedule is ready for September! (and January too — you can always make changes to your winter term schedule later but get something planned now!)

If you’re a new student or if Bear Tracks is overwhelming, go check out this tutorial video — Building your schedule on Bear Tracks. Once you review the basics you’ll be able to incorporate all the tips mentioned above!

Wait, you don’t know which courses to take?

We’ve got a tip sheet for that! The BA Requirements Tip Sheet. And, you really need to go watch these helpful tutorial videos too.

They answer questions like “What do I need to graduate?”, “What the heck is the Academic Requirements Tool?”, “Should I withdraw from this course?” and many more. Game changer.

If you have any questions about registering for courses, stop by the Arts USS Office HC 1–17 or email



Shannon Coyne
UAlberta Arts Insider

Career Services Advisor | BA ’18 Political Science & German Language and Literature