Who is Suman?

She’s the Arts psychologist. Here’s a bit about her and why that matters to you!

Joanna Manchur
UAlberta Arts Insider
3 min readOct 3, 2019


Suman Varghese is a name that some Arts students know well. Her office within the Arts USS office is super cozy with comfy chairs and low lighting. I stopped by to get to know Suman a bit better, and with pen and paper in hand I was ready to ask my questions.

But instead, when she looked at me — really looked at me — and asked “How are you?” in a way that I knew she genuinely wanted to know the answer, I couldn’t help but relax into the chocolate brown leather chairs and exhale deeply before words came tumbling out my mouth…

(Damn… she’s good at her job…)

So, we talked. Well… I talked — she listened! Afterward she sent me some information about what she does and why that benefits Arts students. Here’s what she had to say!

Suman Varghese, psychologist at UAlberta Counselling & Clinical Services

Who are you?

I am a psychologist at Counselling & Clinical Services (CCS) who works with the Faculty of Arts.

What do you do?

I provide counselling to students who are trying to improve their well-being and mental health. I also consult with staff and faculty and do other outreach work across campus to help support student mental health.

What kind of students do you talk to or meet with?

I talk to every kind of student! Students coming into CCS are very diverse and come from many different walks of life as well as many different countries. They can be undergrads or graduate students from any faculty.

Why do students come talk to you?

The most common reasons students meet with me are for concerns relating to depression, anxiety, loneliness and relationships. Often times they come for counselling because their problem is getting in the way of their life and ability to live the way they would like.

How can students come talk to you or one of your colleagues?

Any student can talk to one of our mental health clinicians. Just call 780.492.5205 or stop by SUB 2–600 (Counselling & Clinical Services) and ask to book a consult. We do our best to book them within three days. To know what to expect at a consult, check out this link: https://cloudfront.ualberta.ca/-/media/ualberta/current-students/counselling/consult-prep-info-20181029.pdf

What are some resources you can share with students right now?

Talk to each other. Using your own friends, family or other people you trust for support can be very helpful.

The Peer Support Centre is another great place to talk. You can meet confidentially with a trained volunteer and have a safe space to talk about your concerns.

We also offer free workshops throughout the year. Check them out and register here: https://www.ualberta.ca/current-students/counselling/workshops

For general information and tips on many mental health related topics, check out these handouts:




Joanna Manchur
UAlberta Arts Insider

Student Engagement & Communications Specialist for UAlberta Faculty of Arts. Proud Arts grad — ’02 BA Hons.