Canada 150 Events

UAlberta celebrates Canada’s sesquicentennial.

University of Alberta
UAlberta 2017
4 min readDec 3, 2016


Past Events

11: Freedom of the press: Its scope and limits
18: Canada@150 Student Exhibit
19: I wanna talk to my lawyer: Section 10 and the right to counsel
20–22: UAlberta Pond Hockey Tournament
22: International Food Fare (Augustana)
25: Tracing the True Cost of Feeding Canadians (EPL-Riverbend)
26–28: Daniels Conference: In and Beyond the Law
26: Immigration francophone dans les territoires et l’ouest canadien : réalités et perspectives après 10 ans d’accueil et de services (CSJ)
27: Images of the North with New North Collective (Augustana)
28: Annual Round Dance
30: Utilitarianism as a paradigm for the British North America Act

1: Simon Harel face aux littératures des Premières Nations (CSJ)
3: International Students Hockey Party
4: Women of Folkways Concert
5: High School Honour Band Weekend
6: Judicial Review: Why the fuss? with Justice Russell Brown
9: Reciprocity in Prayers, Songs, Whispers, Stories, Oaths and Writing
9: How old is Canada anyway? (Augustana)
9: Better Now: Healing Health Care through Relationships and Innovations
14: Approaches to Working with Northern Indigenous Communities
15: Section 7 and the right to assisted dying
15: Place names, Stories and Maps: Telling our Own History in the Gwich’in Settlement Region
16: Contextualizing Constitutions
16: Of high latitudes and high elevations: developing a Canadian Mountain Network
22: Intergenerational Resilience, Visual Storytelling & Nehiyawewin
27: Canada’s Odyssey: A country based on incomplete conquests
28: Joseph Yvon Thériault : La Démocratie face au pluralisme

1: New Eyes on the Universe (runs until April 2)
3: Making Canadians: Gender, race and birthright citizenship
7: New Blood: Reconciliation in Action
8: Ancient resource management, sustainable fisheries, and insights for the future (Augustana)
8: Open Heart, Open Mind, with Clara Hughes
9: CLC Kreisel Lecture with Heather O’Neill
14: Canada’s Long Constitutional Sleep — 25 Years After the Charlottetown Accord with Chantal Hébert
14: Canadian Business Leader Award, with Elyse Allan
16: Achievements in ice core science, with Kurt M. Cuffey
20: Mounties on the Cover (runs until July 21)
23: ENGAGE 2017: A Celebration of Research & Teaching Excellence
23: Peter Lougheed Lecture Series with George Elliott Clarke (CSJ)
24: Water Futures for Alberta and Beyond
22–25: CCAA National Curling Championships (Augustana)
26: Économie des changements climatiques et responsabilité social de l’entreprise (CSJ)

1: New Eyes on the Universe (runs until April 2)
1: Bright Burning by Colleen Murphy (runs until April 8)
4: Kilburn Memorial Concert
5: #Resistance 150: A Conversation with Maria Campbell
5: Reconciliation in Focus Film Series
6: wahwâ tatawâw nitohtamok! Evening of Creative Readings
7: Freedom Sings: Land/Bodies/Resurgence
8: This Accident of Being Lost book launch
10: River Walk
10: Indigenous Land-Based Education panel
13: Wolf Mountains, National Parks and the North?
19: Charter Basics
20: Bridging the Gap:Community Engagement, Content, and Connectivity in the North
27: Inspiring Possibilities: Why we need Indigenous Scientists, with Senator Lillian Dyck
27–29: Confédération et dualité nationale / Confederation and National Duality
27–29: Senior Women Academic Administrators Canada Conference

1: Mounties on the Cover (runs until July 21)
4–5: Neoliberalism and its Crises
17: National Parks at Canada’s 150: Mixing Celebration with Concern (Calgary)

3: Canada 150 Rehab Med Family Fun Day
4–15: Spring Convocation
8–10: The Writing Stick: Sharing Indigenous Stories
21: Camrose Aboriginal Days
28: President’s Staff Appreciation Breakfast

1: Canada Day at Edmonton City Hall
1: Canada Day at the Alberta Legislature
1: Canada Day at the U of A Botanic Garden
1: What does Canada Mean to You?: Photo Exhibit (runs through August)
2–9: World Indigenous Nations Games
17–22 Historical Thinking Summer Institute (Ottawa)

1: What does Canada Mean to You?: Photo Exhibit (runs through August)
8–13: International Kodaly Symposium & Music Festival (Augustana)
11: Habitat for Humanity Alumni Volunteer Project
12: Habitat for Humanity Alumni Volunteer Project
24: Indigenous Self-determination and Decolonization: A History of Indian Policy in Canada (EPL)

6: Canada at 150: Key Moments in Canada’s Constitutional History with Chief Justice the Rt. Hon. Beverley McLachlin
14: Interpreting the Charter of Rights and Freedoms
21–23: Sommet de la francophonie albertaine sur l’éducation postsecondaire en français en Alberta (CSJ)
21–23: Reconciliation: Wahkotowin (Constitution 150 Conference)
22: Green and Gold Day
22–25: Alumni Weekend
23: Red Flag: Response to the World Gone Mad with Stephen Lewis
24: Canada 150 Community Celebration

1: An Afternoon With Chris Hadfield
4: What Comes Next? Political Afterlives of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission
5: National Parks at Canada’s 150: Mixing Celebration with Concern
13: Vivre Ensemble: A Dialogue on Federalism with Jean-Marc Fournier
18: Righting Wrongs: Remedies for Charter of Rights Violations
19: Hurtig Lecture on the Future of Canada with Tomson Highway
25–27: Autour de l’œuvre d’Yvan Lamonde. Colonialisme et Modernité au Canada depuis 1867
27: Celebrating Edmonton’s Music: A Canada 150 Wikipedia Edit-a-thon

7: Canada 150? Canada 169? Canada 68? Canada 14000? Maybe Confederation Isn’t That Important
21: Canada 150: History, Memory, and Myth-Making (EPL-Strathcona)
23: Revising the Constitution Act, 1982 with George Elliott Clarke
30: Olive Dickason Remembered

1: Olive Dickason Remembered



University of Alberta
UAlberta 2017

One of Canada's top 5 universities, #UAlberta is dedicated to the promise of uplifting the whole people.