Regular update from Ubcoin: October-November 2018

Ubcoin. Cryptocurrency reimagined
Ubcoin Blog
Published in
3 min readDec 11, 2018

Product Development, Token and Marketing Updates and other Ubcoin news — a summary

Product Development

There were several iOS and Android releases of Ubcoin Market app that included the following features:

- geo, price, category and date filters (so now you can search items by category and sort them by distance to seller, from latest to oldest or from cheapest to the most expensive)

- email notifications (only about important actions with your items/deals — when someone books them or sends you money)

- the extended seller profile (you are able to see in what country the seller sells and what items he has overall)

- the items now have the label “new” or “used/second-hand” condition

- the price of UBC token in USD is displayed on the item’s page

- improvement of the social sharing option

- Telegram bot improvements

- stability and other improvements

In the next releases the following features will be added step by step:

  • the possibility to order and sell services — making design or animation, doing software development and copywriting, providing translations, creating video or music, teaching, etc. We asked community about this feature and we will use community suggestions in our work.
  • the possibility to buy and sell items using other cryptocurrencies (ETH)
  • digital assets to sell and to buy: e-books, audio files, software, etc.
  • creating auction-style listings. You set a starting price and the end time and potential buyers bid against others. The highest bidder wins and takes the item for his price. Read more here:

Download Ubcoin Market iOS app:

Download Ubcoin Market Android App:

An entertaining and useful video on how to buy anything on Ubcoin Market:

Token news

UBC token is available on three exchanges: COSS, LATOKEN and IDEX

Ubcoin was added to Delta Direct. Delta is a famous bitcoin & cryptocurrency portfolio tracker app. Helps to keep track of all cryptocoins, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and most altcoins.

UBC was added by a new Korean exchange — Behind


1 — A comprehensive review of the Ubcoin project and its win-win model for everyone in the cryptocurrency world from Bitcoin Exchange Guide:

2 — Ubcoin has a profile on Binance now

Please note — this is not a Binance listing. This is Ubcoin profile on Binance info platform about cryptocurrencies.

3 — Some new Ubcoin Market app reviews from popular Indonesian youtubers:

Dzaky Net

THINK Production

THE Update’s

Modal Andr0id

Akbar Tricker

4 — There was a limited promoting activity — cashback 10% to buyers and sellers

From 25 October (12:00 GMT) till 27 November (12:00 GMT) all buyers and sellers got cashback 10% of the item price in UBC.

5 — A referral program for inviting sellers was announced

Sellers are small businesses (shops) who have many things to sell or private persons with a lot of items for sale.

We will pay you commission in ETH for inviting new sellers:

- if they place 20–50 items on our marketplace, this is 0,2 ETH for you for this seller (not for each item)

- if they place 51+ items on our marketplace, this is 0,3 ETH for you for this seller (not for each item)

Our special proposal for new shops/sellers who placed 20+ items: we invite them to place their items with discounts (so that people are interested in buying them) and we will compensate to the shop (after the item is sold) 20% of the item price in UBC.

The program was very successful (new sellers placed more than 1 000 items!) and we prolong it for an unlimited time period.



Ubcoin. Cryptocurrency reimagined
Ubcoin Blog

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