Generate Your Uber Deeplink In Seconds

Alex G
Uber Developers
Published in
4 min readJan 17, 2017

Our new feature helps you create a custom Uber Deeplink in a few simple steps.

Deeplinks are a powerful and simple way to integrate Uber Ride Requests into your app. This makes it easy for your users to request an Uber ride with pickup, drop-off and product pre-selected. Creating these Deeplinks, however, has historically been a little tricky. We heard your feedback and today we’re proud to present our new Deeplink Generator.

The Deeplink Generator is a wizard that guides you through the process of creating a fully customized and working Deeplink. Let’s go through the steps to understand what needs to be done — or actually, what doesn’t.

Select Your Deeplink Action

Currently, our Deeplinks can be used to achieve one of two actions per Deeplink:

  • Load the Uber app with pre-populated ride parameters (pickup, drop-off, product)
  • Load the Uber app with a pre-populated promotional code
Step 1: Select Your Deeplink Action

Simply select your action and click “Next.” For this example, we will choose to pre-populated ride parameters for a Ride Request. A Ride Request Deeplink can pre-populate pickup and drop-off locations and preselect the most appropriate Uber product. The wizard will guide you through the process and make filling in the required details effortless.

Select the Pickup Location

You can decide to use either the rider’s current GPS location or specify a custom pickup spot. The latter is especially useful if you expect your users will be indoors without a reliable GPS reading. Let’s choose a preselected pickup location for our example. When you start typing in the location field, address suggestions will appear thanks to the Google Places API. After you select the desired address, you will see a map preview of the pickup spot. This location will be automatically converted into geographic coordinates (latitude & longitude) which will be used for the required Deeplink parameters. No need for you to figure out the coordinates or how to format the Deeplink parameters.

Of course, If your app requires a dynamic pickup location, you can programmatically overrides this part of the Deeplink with a location that’s determined at run-time.

Step 2: Select a Pickup Location

You can also select the Uber product for your user. If you were to do this manually, you would have to make an API call to GET /products because the available products vary from location to location. You just saved another step!

Select the Drop-off Location

Next, select where the user should be dropped off. Just like on the pickup screen, you’ll see map details and a field for looking up the address.

Step 3: Select a Drop-off Location

Of course, If your app requires a dynamic drop off location, you can programmatically override this part of the Deeplink with a location that’s determined at run-time.

Specify Your Uber App Client ID

On the next wizard screen you’ll be asked for your Client ID. We use your this to track and attribute new user signups to your developer account as part of the Uber Affiliate Program.

If you don’t already have a Client ID, log into the Uber Developer Dashboard. After you login, select your application (or create a new one) and copy the Client ID from the settings tab in the authentication section (see step 4-a screenshot below).

Step 4-a: Copy your Client ID

Paste your Client ID into the text field and click “Next.”

Step 4-b: Paste your Client ID

Grab Your Personal Deeplink

Click Next. Congratulations! That’s it. On this last screen, you will see an overview with your personal Deeplink as well as a summary of exactly what that Deeplink does when a user clicks on it. You can use the clipboard icon in the upper left to copy it. You can also switch between a native and a universal Deeplink here. The latter should be used for non-native apps (e.g. mobile websites, messaging apps, emails).

We hope that this makes generating Deeplinks easier than ever, so start creating your Deeplinks now!

If you are on a mobile device, you can try out your Deeplinks right away. Just run through the wizard steps, and click the “Open” button on the last screen. Go ahead and try it yourself!

Have any questions related to Deeplinks? Check out the FAQs.

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