Help other Uber developers and earn prizes with the hack.guides() tutorial contest

Uber Developers
Uber Developers
Published in
2 min readJun 14, 2016

What if there were a Wikipedia for developer resources? That’s what hack.guides() is working towards, creating an open source repository of technical guides and tutorials to improve educational resources for developers. We share a love of knowledge-sharing on the Uber Developer Platform, and we’re proud to join forces with hack.guides() for their 2016 Tutorial Contest.

The hack.guides() contest is unique, bringing together the developer community to collaboratively create and curate content. With the Github API on the backend, hack.guides() tutorials can be forked, improved, and merged with a pull request. This approach makes for fast, reliable content for developers looking to learn more about a wide variety of languages, platforms, and environments.

For the next 45 days, developers from around the world will be sharing their expertise by authoring high-quality tutorials and guides for platforms including Amazon Alexa Skills, HelloSign, and We’re getting in on the fun, offering a $500 prize for the best Uber API tutorial.

To get started, visit the hack.guides() contest page for details. And please tell us if you write an Uber API tutorial at @UberDevelopers on Twitter!

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