Uber for X publication on medium

Uber for X
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1 min readAug 5, 2015

Thank you for following publication “ Uber for x” on medium. I notice that you really engage when we pulish any content.

I thought you might be interested in our blog “Want to develop an app like Uber? Know the costs and other details”.

You can find it here :- https://medium.com/uber-for-x/the-success-of-uber-s-business-model-has-motivated-many-budding-entrepreneurs-to-develop-an-uber-b627659ea2fe

So far it’s gotten a lot of response from my followers and I wondered if your followers would like it too.

If you think so, feel free to share it with them… either in social media or a link on your website. No pressure, of course. I just thought it might be of use to you.

Thanks, and have a great day!

Parag Jain

