Ubeswap V3: The Evolution of Decentralized Trading

Published in
5 min readMar 23, 2023

Powered by the Algebra Concentrated Liquidity Protocol

What is Ubeswap V3?

Ubeswap V3 aims to provide a more efficient and customizable trading experience for users, thanks to several new features and upgrades powered by the Algebra concentrated liquidity protocol. The latest version of the exchange allows users to set their own range for liquidity provision, giving them more control over their liquidity position. Ubeswap V3 includes a new pricing curve that allows for more concentrated pricing thus reducing price slippage.

The key features of Ubeswap V3 include i) the ability to create custom pools in a permissionless manner, ii) a more streamlined user interface, and iii) a faster, more efficient trading engine. Concentrated liquidity allows liquidity providers to select a specific price range or “tick” for their liquidity provision. This means that instead of providing liquidity evenly across the price range, liquidity providers can focus their liquidity provision on a specific price range where they believe trading activity will occur. For example, a liquidity provider might provide liquidity to a specific price range between $100 and $150 for a particular cryptocurrency pair. This allows them to earn more fees by focusing their liquidity on a specific price range and avoiding lower liquidity areas where trading activity is less frequent. Please see this helpful guide by the Algebra team, with more specific details on V3.

Some Pros and Cons of V3:

Pros of Concentrated Liquidity:

Lower Slippage: With concentrated liquidity, traders can expect lower slippage as liquidity is concentrated around the current market price. This means that traders can buy and sell assets at more favorable prices, which is particularly important for larger trades.

Capital Efficiency: Concentrated liquidity allows LPs to allocate their capital more efficiently. Instead of providing liquidity across the entire price range, they can concentrate their liquidity around the current market price. This means that LPs can provide more liquidity with less capital.

Flexibility: With concentrated liquidity, LPs have more control over their liquidity provision. They can specify the price range they want to provide liquidity for and adjust it as the market conditions change. This means that LPs can adapt to market conditions more quickly and effectively.

Cons of Concentrated Liquidity:

Impermanent Loss: Concentrated liquidity can increase the risk of impermanent loss for LPs. Impermanent loss occurs when the price of the asset being provided liquidity for changes. If the price moves outside of the specified price range, LPs will experience a loss.

Higher Risk: Concentrated liquidity also increases the risk for LPs. If the price moves outside of the specified price range, LPs may not be able to provide liquidity and may suffer losses. This means that LPs may need to more proactively manage their liquidity.

Limited Liquidity: Concentrated liquidity may not provide enough liquidity for traders at extreme price ranges. If the price moves too far outside of the specified range, there may not be enough liquidity to fill orders.

Overall, Ubeswap V3 (combined with the existing V2 DEX) represents a major step forward for DeFi and the CELO ecosystem. With its powerful features, Ubeswap V3 is well-positioned to attract a wide range of users and liquidity providers and to continue driving innovation in the DeFi space. Ubeswap V3 also offers several other powerful features designed to make trading more efficient and customizable. Whether you’re an experienced trader or new to DeFi, Ubeswap V3 is definitely worth checking out.

How to use the exchange and take advantage of its powerful features.

Step 1: Connect your Wallet

The first step to using Ubeswap V3 is to connect your CELO-compatible wallet to the exchange. Ubeswap V3 supports a variety of wallets, including MetaMask, Trust Wallet, Valora, and WalletConnect. To connect your wallet, simply click the “Connect Wallet” button in the top right corner of the Ubeswap V3 website and follow the prompts.

Step 2: Add Liquidity to a Pool

To add liquidity, navigate to the “Pool” section of the Ubeswap V3 website, click on “+ New Position” and select the token pair you want to provide liquidity for. For example, if you want to provide liquidity for the CELO-CUSD pair, you should select CELO and CUSD. Next, click the “Add Liquidity” button and enter the amount of each token you want to provide. Ubeswap V3 will automatically calculate the proportion of each token required to provide liquidity for the selected pool.

Once you’ve entered the desired amount of tokens, then select your preferred price range then click “Supply” and confirm the transaction in your wallet. Your liquidity will be added to the selected pool and you’ll be able to start earning fees.

Step 3: Trade Tokens

To make a trade simply navigate to the “Swap” section of the website and select the token pair you want to trade. Simply enter the amount of the token you want to trade and click “Swap”. Ubeswap’s router, powered by Minima, will automatically calculate the amount of the other token you’ll receive based on the current price and available liquidity.

Once you’ve confirmed the transaction in your wallet, the trade will be executed and the tokens will be transferred to your wallet.

Step 4: Withdraw Liquidity

If you want to withdraw your liquidity from a pool, you can do so at any time. To withdraw, navigate to the “Pool” section of the website and select the pool you want to withdraw liquidity from.

Click the “Remove Liquidity” button and enter the amount of liquidity you want to withdraw. Ubeswap V3 will automatically calculate the proportion of each token you’ll receive based on the current liquidity of the pool.

Confirm the transaction in your wallet and your liquidity will be withdrawn from the pool and transferred to your wallet.


In conclusion, concentrated liquidity is a promising liquidity model that offers several advantages for both LPs and traders. However, it also comes with some different risks and limitations that users need to be aware of, compared to Ubeswap V2 style liquidity.

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Ubeswap Disclaimer: DeFi is a new technology that comes with the risk of loss. Statements may be forward-looking and are not intended as guarantees of future performance.

