The Ubex Project

Ubex AI
Published in
5 min readDec 4, 2018

The mission of Ubex is to create a global advertising ecosystem with a high level of trust. Efficiency for advertisers and publishers, and relevance of ads for targeted audiences will be achieved thanks to the combined application of decentralized distributed registry system technologies with unlimited data access and processing possibilities, Neural Networks granting intelligent analysis and tracking of market participant dynamics, and Artificial Intelligence for decision-making. Combined with UBEX Token monetization within the internal platform economy ecosystem based on smart contract algorithms, the pioneering mix will ensure complete transparency and immediate payment for concrete results.

The main value of the project resides in the immense resource-saving and high accuracy targeting possibilities it can grant advertisers and webmasters in conducting advertising campaigns.

The programmatic algorithms used by Ubex analyze the composition of the audience of a website, correlate this data with client targeting and select the appropriate advertising format. After that, an auction is conducted among advertisers whose target audience corresponds to this particular visitor of the website and who want to show their advertising. During the auction, the highest bid and the winner of the auction are selected. The winning ad is uploaded to the website and shown to the user.

At the heart of Ubex’s advertising purchasing algorithms are neural networks that process information about each visitor to the member networks’ websites. The neural networks evaluate the interests of users, calculate the likelihood of targeted actions for all advertiser offers, and choose the most suitable advertisement. Thus, Ubex maximizes the targeting of advertising and the economic efficiency for advertisers.

Transaction risks are at virtual zero when acquiring advertising slots and selecting the most effective websites for placement via the Ubex platform. The process is simple and convenient as the proprietary ADAM Core AI controls every process. Ubex aims to solve the problem of low confidence in the purchasing of digital advertising. Smart contracts allow for making the relationship of advertisers and publishers (owners of ad slots on sites) as transparent and fair as possible, as well as minimizing the risks for all parties. By applying such an approach, Ubex allows passage from the traditional pay per click scheme to the model of payment for targeted actions, the most fair and interesting model for advertisers.

As a first-tier project aimed at truly changing the world for the better and adding value to all participants of the advertising industry, and entire economies as a whole, Ubex is headed by a constellation of specialists from various industries. Backing the team is an Advisory Board consisting of industry opinion leaders and experts from industry sectors most relevant to the issues plaguing the advertising sector.

Ubex is unique in many terms, among which is its adherence to complete equality of terms offered to all contributors to the platform throughout its internal platform currency sale campaign that did not include any presales or private sales.

In addition to having a successful track record of development, the Ubex project has formed a strategic partnership with Civic Technologies Inc., the company revolutionizing digital identity with its distributed registry based technology. The partnership brings trusted, secure identity services to the advertising industry and enables Ubex to improve security and accountability before all participants of the Ubex platform, thus ensuring transparency and fairness within the ecosystem.

Ubex has also joined the NVIDIA Inception program, which is designed to nurture startups revolutionizing industries with advancements in AI and data sciences. In addition, Ubex has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Singularity project that foresees utilizing Singularity’s platform and infrastructure to construct and host Ubex AI services created using the platform.

The association that have been reached are a vital highlighter of the Ubex project’s prospects as Ubex has become a member of the Crypto Valley Association. Important agreements have been reached with Coca Cola for using the platform on the Mexican market. Ubex has also joined the IAB Europe network, the leading European-level industry association for the online advertising ecosystem. Singularity has signed agreements with the Ubex project to assist with the development of the AI core. PocketMobile, one of the largest database operators on the Asian market has agreed on cooperation with Ubex along with other industry giants, such as MLG, Civic, DeepGreen, Smart Valor and many others.

To date, the following exchanges have already listed the UBEX Token:


BTC Alpha






In addition to the exchanges, Ubex has also been listed on Feixiaohao, the top crypto information site in Asia. The Ubex team is continuing its efforts on listing the UBEX Token as applications have been sent to many leading exchanges, such as Binance, Huobi and others. Stay tuned for more news and updates from Ubex.

Currently, the development team is focused on active data collection for increasing the system core, training the neural network on the data obtained for maximum analysis of the audience, and development of the personal account interface for the date of mining and payments to our partners. The development team is putting a lot of effort into ensuring the quality of the end product and continue development to further improve the system’s functioning.

Ubex is truly a successful project that has come a long way in terms of proving its value before its many stakeholders. And as development of the platform continues, the coming years will allow Ubex to fully expand on the global advertising market.

